[om-a] [jalester@cecm.sfu.ca: WebMath: JOMA and MSDL]

Andrew Solomon andrew at illywhacker.net
Wed Jan 10 14:36:32 CET 2001

Some great news!  - Andrew
----- Forwarded message from June Lester <jalester at cecm.sfu.ca> -----

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Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 22:54:07 -0800
To: webmath at camel.math.ca
From: June Lester <jalester at cecm.sfu.ca>
Subject: WebMath: JOMA and MSDL
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Reply-To: webmath at camel.math.ca
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Folks -

JOMA - the Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications - is now live:

as is the Mathematical Sciences Digital Library:

Both brought to you by the MAA (Mathematical Association of America).


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