[om-a] CFP - Coordination 2002

Alan Wood wood at cs.york.ac.uk
Tue May 15 12:29:41 CEST 2001


                       C O O R D I N A T I O N   2 0 0 2
                               8-11 April 2002


                         Fifth International Conference

                       Coordination Models and Languages

                         C a l l   f o r   P a p e r s

We invite your paper submissions to the fifth in the series of Coordination
conferences, which  will be held in York (UK) on the 8-11 April 2002.

Full details are available at:


or by email from: wood at cs.york.ac.uk

Important dates:
               Full Paper Submissions:       9 Nov. 2001
               Notification of acceptances: 14 Jan. 2002
               Camera-ready version:         1 Feb. 2002

Programme Topics
Topics of interest include the following (see the Conference web site for more

 o Applications of Coordination
 o Theoretical models and foundations for Coordination 
 o Specification, refinement, and analysis of software architectures 
 o Coordination, architectural, and interface definition languages 
 o Architecture/coordination based specification and analysis 
 o Agent-oriented languages 
 o Dynamic software architectures 
 o Scalability 
 o Fault tolerance 
 o Tools and environments for the development of coordinated applications 
 o Security and Quality of Service issues in coordination 
 o Programming the web 
 o Industrial relevance of Coordination and software architectures 


Programme Chairs:
        Farhad Arbab
        CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
        farhad at cwi.nl 

        Carolyn Talcott
        Stanford University, California, USA 
        clt at cs.stanford.edu 

Local Organiser:
        Alan Wood
        University of York, UK
        wood at cs.york.ac.uk

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