[om-a] [ANN] MBase 0.8 Released (Mathematical Knowledge Base)

Michael Kohlhase kohlhase+ at cs.cmu.edu
Sat Aug 24 00:39:54 CEST 2002

          [Apologies for multiple copies]

We are pleased to announce the first official release of 

      The MBase Mathematical Knowledge Base 

MBase 0.8 is available from the MBase web page:

The MBase system is distributed under the GNU General Public License,
binary distributions are provided for Linux and Solaris. 
An online demo is can be found at


Version 0.8 is the first official release of the system. It should be 
considered as alpha quality code.  


The MBase system is an ongoing development of a web-based knowledge base of
formalized mathematics (collections of definitions, theorems, or proofs).  The
system specializes an SQL-based database system for mathematical structures in
the document format OMDoc [1], which is an XML language.

Primary applications of MBase are deduction systems, mathematical assistants,
content presentation systems, and learning environments, which can interact with
MBase via the MathWeb system, an implementation of a mathematical software bus for
distributed theorem proving and symbolic computation [2].  


-- import & export OMDoc content [1]
-- object persistence by standard SQL database system back-end
-- pattern-searching (e.g.... search for statements of commutativity)
-- web browser interface 
-- xml-rpc interface for software clients
-- multi-platform support (Linux, Solaris, MacOS X)

PLANNED FEATURES (contact us if you want to help)

-- distributed cross-referencing and caching
-- content versioning management

Comments, suggestions or bug reports are welcomed and should be
directed to the MBase development team <mbase at mathweb.org>.

Have fun,
  The MBase Team
  (Andreas Franke, Michael Kohlhase, Markus Moschner)


[1] http://www.mathweb.org/omdoc
[2] http://www.mathweb.org/mathweb
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