[om-a] Call for participation, AISC'2002 - Calculemus'2002
belaid benhamou
benhamou at lim.univ-mrs.fr
Mon May 27 16:38:09 CEST 2002
We apologize for multiple copie of this call.
* Call for Participation *
* AISC'2002 (July 1st-3rd) *
* Sixth International Conference on *
* Theory, Implementations and Applications *
* In conjunction with CALCULEMUS'2002 (July 3rd-5th) *
* France, Marseille *
* July 1st-5th, 2002 *
Organized by: Universite de Provence, Universite de Mideterrannee,
Faculte des sciences de Saint-Jerome, and the LSIS laboratory.
More information are available on the web site of
the conference: http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/aisc2002.
This year 2002, the 6th international conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Symbolic Computation (AISC'2002, July 1st-3rd),
and the 10th symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and
Mechanized Reasoning (Calculemus'2002, July 3rd-5th), take place jointly in
Marseille (France)on July 1st-5th. They are organized by the three
Universities of Marseille and the LSIS (Laboratoire des Sciences de
l'Information et des Systemes) laboratory.
Conferences in the AISC series are held every two years. The previous five
took place in Karlsruhe (Germany), Cambridge (United Kingdom),
Steyr (Austria), Plattsburgh (USA) and Madrid (Spain)-- the first
three under the name "Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic
Mathematical Computing (AISMC)". Calculemus'2002 is the 10th
symposium in a series which started with three meetings in 1996, two
meetings in 1997 and then turned into a yearly event in 1998. Since
then, it has become a tradition to hold the meeting jointly with an event
in either symbolic computation or automated deduction. This year's
choice is certainly very appropriate.
Both forums share interest in looking at Symbolic Computation from a
different point of view: Artificial Intelligence in the more general
case of AISC and Automated Deduction in the more specific case of
Calculemus. Bringing together researchers interested in these areas
has been a successfull idea. The combined events will provide tools,
adress problems and solutions, and the inspiration will come from
problem solving methods from AI, ATP, and symbolic (mathematical)
computation and by initiating personal contacts among researchers from
different fields related to Symbolic Computation.
The conference takes place in Marseille, near the well known seaside
venue of Luminy, not far from Cassis and the beautiful Calanques,
where the excursion and conference banquet takes place.
Preliminary AISC'2002 Technical program (July, 1st-3rd)
Invited speakers:
1) Constraint Aquisition
Prof. Eugene Freuder, University of College Cork
(July, 1st)
2) Expressiveness and complexity of full first-order constraints
In the algebra of trees
Prof. Alain Colmerauer, Université d'Aix-Marseille II
(July, 2nd)
3) Deduction versus computation: the case of induction
Prof. Claude Kirchner, LORIA and INRIA, Nancy.
(July, 3rd, common with Calculemus)
Accepted papers :
1 Towards a hybrid symbolic/numeric approach in controller design
M. Chetty
2 Inductive Synthesis of Functional Programs
Emanuel Kitzelmann, Ute Schmid, Martin Muhlpfordt and Fritz Wysotzki
3 Continuous First Order Constraint Satisfaction
Stefan Ratschan
4 A symbolic computation based expert systen for alzheimer's disease diagnosis
Begona Herrero, Luis M. Laita, Eugenio Roanes-Lozano, Victor Maojo,
Luis de Ledesma, Jose Crespo and Laura Laita
5 Expression inference - Genetic symbolic classification integrated
with non linear coefficient optimisation
Andrew Hunter
6 Multicontext logic for semigroups of contexts
Rolf Nossum and Luciano Serafini
7 A novel face recognition method
Li Bai and Yihui Liu
8 Non commutative logic for hand written characters modeling
Jacqueline Castaing
9 Coloring algorithms for tolerance graphs: Reasoning and Scheduling with
Interval Constraints
Martin Charles Golumbic and Assaf Siani
10 On a generalized logicality theorem
Marc Aiguier, Diane Bahrami, and Catherine Dubois
11 From numerical to symbolic data during the recognition of scenarii
S. Loriette-Rougegrez
12 A genetic based approach for satisfiability problems
Mohamed Tounsi
13 Indefinite integration as a testbed for developments in multi-agent
John A. Campbell
14 On identifying simple and quantified lattice points in the 2sat polytope
K. Subramani
15 On mathematical modelling of networks and implementation aspects
Regina Bernhaupt and Jochen Pfalzgraf
16 Using symbolic computation in an automated sequent derivation
Elena Smirnova
17 The Wright omega function (Corless)
Robert M. Corless and D.J. Jeffrey
Preliminary Calculemus'2002 Technical Program (July, 3rd-5th)
Invited Speakers
Deduction versus computation: the case of induction
Claude Kirchner, LORIA & INRIA,
Nancy, France (joint invited speaker with AISC)
(July, 3rd)
Integration of Quantifeir Elimination with
Constraint Logic Programming
Thomas Sturm, Universität Passau, Germany
(July, 4th)
Accepted Papers
1) Integrating Boolean and Mathematical Solving: Foundations, Basic
Algorithms and Requirements
Gilles Audemard, Piergiorgio Bertoli, Alessandro Cimatti, Artur
Kornilowicz, and Roberto Sebastiani
2) The meaning of infinity in calculus and computer algebra systems
Michael Beeson, Freek Wiedijk
3) Making Conjectures about Maple Functions
Simon Colton
4) Employing Theory Formation to Guide Proof Planning
Simon Colton, Andreas Meier and Volker Sorge
5) Unification with Sequence Variables and Flexible Arity Symbols
Teimur Kutsia
6) YACAS: A Do-it-yourself Symbolic Algebra Environment (system description)
Ayal Zwi Pinkus and Serge Winitzki
7) Focus Windows: A New Technique for Proof Presentation (system description)
Florina Piroi, and Bruno Buchberger
8) Combining Generic and Domain Specific Reasoning by Using Contexts
Silvio Ranise
9) Inductive Theorem Proving and Computer Algebra in the MathWeb Software Bus
Jürgen Zimmer, and Louise Dennis
Work in Progress Papers
Symbolic Verification of Hybrid Systems supported by Mathematical Services
Corrado Giromini and Christoph Benzmueller and Andreas Nonnengart
Agent-based Proof Search for a Human-oriented Inference System
Malte Huebner, Serge Autexier and Christoph Benzmueller
Automatic Learning in Proof Planning
Mateja Jamnik, Manfred Kerber and Martin Pollet
On the Design of Mathematical Concepts
Manfred Kerber and Martin Pollet
Some approaches to construction of the differential Gröbner theory
Pankratiev E.V.
An Automated Prover for Set Theory in Theorema
Wolfgang Windsteiger
CologNet Panel Discussion (July 4th)
Challenges for Hybrid Reasoning in Mathematics and Verification
Moderator: Jacques Calmet
Panelists: James Davenport, Claude Kirchner, Jörg Siekmann, Thomas Sturm
Registration form:
Please return this form to the organizers either via:
- e-mail: aisc2002 at cmi.univ-mrs.fr
- fax: +33 4 91113602 (tel: +33 4 91113622).
EARLY Registration: Until June 22nd 2002
Conference(s): (AISC'2002 and/or CALCULEMUS'2002)
Last Name :
First Name :
Affiliation :
Address :
City :
Zip :
Country :
Telephone :
Fax :
e-mail :
Student : (Yes / no)
NOTE: Students must send together with their registration
proof of their student identity
Arrival Date: Arrival Time:
Departure Date: Departure Time:
Travel details are available on the web site of the conference.
1. Full Registration for both conferences (EARLY 270 Euros - LATE 300 Euros):
2. Student registration for both conferences (230 Euros - LATE 260 Euros) :
3. Full Registration for one conference (EARLY 230 Euros - LATE 260 Euros) :
4. Student registration for one conference (180 Euros - LATE 210 Euros) :
Particpation in Lunches: July 1st(y/n), July 2nd(y/n), July 3rd (y/n),
July 4th(y/n), July 5th(y/n)
Do you want vegetarian lunches? (y/n)
These rates include lunches, coffee breaks, the conference proceedings
and material, and all the taxes.
5. Conference boat excursion + dinner (add 40 Euros), July 3rd (y/n) :
TOTAL Euros :
Payment Method:
1 ( ) Electronic Bank Transfer
Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms. :
has remitted the total of ....... Euros
through (bank name) ...........................
to one of the following account references (which corresponds to your
Notional identifier (RIB): Bank ID Branch Account # Key
10071 13000 00003005401 72
International (IBAN) : FR76 1007 1130 0000 0030 0540 172
Bank Identifier Code (BIC-SWIFT) : BDFEFRPPXXX
Order of transfer: Conference registration(AISC'2002 and/or CALCULEMUS'2002)
Please enclose a copy of your bank transfer with this form
and fax them to +33 4 91 11 36 02.
Please make sure that ALL bank charges are at the
participant's expense.
2 ( ) By cheque
Payment must be made in Euros. Please make sure that the payment
is made net of all bank charges and commissions.
Cheques made out to: "Agent comptable de l'Universite de Provence"
Send your cheque with a copy of the registration form to the following address:
Belaid Benhamou
CMI - Centre de Mathematiques et Informatique
39 rue F. J. Curie
13453 Marseille Cedex 13.
TRAVEL, RESTAURANT and Hotel information are available on the web site
For Rooms please book directly at the hotels (see the web).
NOTE THAT it is more practical to take a hotel which is close to the bus
stations (Bus 21). The Vieux Port place is a good Place for hotel reservation
and restaurants.
Sponsoring Institutions
L'Ecole d'Ing\'enieurs en Informatique de Luminy, ESIL
L'Universit\'e de Provence, Aix-Marseille I
Le Conseil G\'en\'eral de Marseille
La Mairie de Marseille
Calculemus project
CologNet, European Network of Excellence
e-mail: aisc2002 at cmi.univ-mrs.fr
web page: http://www.cmi.univ_mrs.fr/aisc2002
Surface mail: AISC 2002
Dr. Belaid Benhamou
Universite de Provence,
CMI, 39 rue F. Juliot-Curie
13453 Cedex 13
Phone number: (+33) 4 91 11 36 22
Fax number: (+33) 4 91 11 36 02
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