[om-a] ijcar 2004: last call for papers
Maria Paola Bonacina
mariapaola.bonacina at univr.it
Wed Dec 17 19:24:24 CET 2003
Call for Papers: IJCAR 2004
The Second International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR)
is the fusion of several major conferences in Automated Reasoning:
* CADE (The International Conference on Automated Deduction),
* FTP (The International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving),
* TABLEAUX (The International Conference on Automated Reasoning with
Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods),
* CALCULEMUS (Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and
Mechanized Reasoning), and
* FroCoS (Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems).
These five events will join for the first time at the IJCAR conference
in Cork in July 2004.
IJCAR 2004 invites submissions related to all aspects of automated
reasoning, including foundations, implementations, and applications.
Original research papers and descriptions of working automated deduction
systems are solicited.
Logics of interest include:
propositional, first-order, classical, equational, higher-order,
non-classical, constructive, modal, temporal, many-valued, substructural,
description, metalogics, type theory, and set theory.
Methods of interest include:
tableaux, sequent calculi, resolution, model-elimination, connection method,
inverse method, paramodulation, term rewriting, induction, unification,
constraint solving, decision procedures, model generation, model checking,
semantic guidance, interactive theorem proving, logical frameworks,
AI-related methods for deductive systems, proof presentation, efficient
datastructures and indexing, integration of computer algebra systems and
automated theorem provers, and combination of logics or decision procedures.
Applications of interest include:
verification, formal methods, program analysis and synthesis, computer
mathematics, declarative programming, deductive databases, knowledge
representation, natural language processing, linguistics, robotics, planning.
Submissions - Research Papers and System Descriptions
Submitted research papers and system descriptions must be original and
not submitted for publication elsewhere. Research papers can be up to 15
proceedings pages long, and system descriptions can be up to 5 pages
long. The proceedings of IJCAR 2004 will be published by Springer-Verlag
in the LNAI/LNCS series.
All submissions must be received by January 5, 2004. Submissions that
arrive late or are too long will not be considered. Authors of accepted
papers will be requested to sign a form transferring copyright of their
contribution to Springer-Verlag.
In the research paper category, submissions of theoretical, practical
and experimental nature are equally encouraged.
Submission Details: (see http://4c.ucc.ie/ijcar/submission.html)
The primary means of submission is electronic.
Authors are strongly encouraged to use LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs
class files. The llncs class files can be obtained from
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. If you have difficulties
in using the llncs class files, or have to use a different typesetting
program, please contact the program committee chairmen.
Important Dates
January 5, 2004: Submission deadline
March 22, 2004: Notification of acceptance
April 14, 2004: Camera-ready copy due
July 4-8, 2004: IJCAR 2004
Best Paper Awards
A prize of 300 Euros will be given to the best paper, as judged by the
program committee, and a prize of 300 Euros will be given to the best
paper, as judged by the program committee, written solely by one or more
students. A submission is eligible if all authors are full-time students
at the time of submission. Students must indicate with their submission
that they would like their paper to be considered for this award.
The program committee may decline to make the awards or may
split it among several papers.
Conference chair: Toby Walsh (University College Cork)
Program chairs: David Basin (ETH Zurich) and Michael Rusinowitch (INRIA Nancy)
Local chair: Barry O' Sullivan (University College Cork)
Publicity chair: Maria Paola Bonacina (Universita` degli Studi di Verona)
Workshop chair: Peter Baumgartner (Universitaet Koblenz-Landau)
Tutorial chair: William Farmer (McMaster University)
ATP System Competition chairs: Geoff Sutcliffe (University of Miami) and
Christian Suttner
Program committee:
Alessandro Armando (Universita` degli Studi di Genova)
Franz Baader (TU Dresden)
Christoph Benzmueller (Universitaet Saarlandes)
Armin Biere (ETH Zurich)
Maria Paola Bonacina (Universita` degli Studi di Verona)
Ricardo Caferra (IMAG Grenoble)
Marta Cialdea Mayer (Universita` degli Studi di Roma III)
Nachum Dershowitz (Tel Aviv University)
David Dill (Stanford University)
Amy Felty (University of Ottawa)
Rajeev Gore' (ANU Canberra)
Bernhard Gramlich (TU Wien)
Philippe de Groote (INRIA Nancy)
Reiner Haehnle (Chalmers University)
Andreas Herzig (IRIT Toulouse)
Ian Horrocks (University of Manchester)
Jieh Hsiang (NTU Taipei)
Deepak Kapur (University of New Mexico)
Claude Kirchner (INRIA Nancy)
Reinhold Letz (TU-Muenchen)
Chris Lynch (Clarkson University)
Aart Middeldorp (University of Innsbruck)
Hans-Juergen Ohlbach (LMU Muenchen)
Paliath Narendran (SUNY Albany)
Tobias Nipkow (TU Muenchen)
Leszek Pacholski (U. Wroclaw)
Frank Pfenning (CMU, Pittsburgh)
David Plaisted (UNC Chapel Hill)
Roberto Sebastiani (Universita` degli Studi di Trento)
John Slaney (ANU Canberra)
Viorica Sofronie (MPI Saarbruecken)
Ashish Tiwari (SRI International, Menlo Park)
Ralf Treinen (ENS Cachan)
Andrei Voronkov (University of Manchester)
Wolfgang Windsteiger (RISC Linz)
Full information on IJCAR may be found at http://4c.ucc.ie/ijcar/
List of accepted workshops at http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~baumgart/ijcar-workshops/
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