[om-a] Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Prague, April.

hscc03 VERIMAG hscc03.VERIMAG at imag.fr
Thu Mar 6 09:25:53 CET 2003

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                              Call for Participation

              Hybrid Systems:  Computation and Control  (HSCC 2003)

                           Sixth International Workshop
                            Prague,  The Czech Republic
                             April 3-5 (Thu-Sat), 2003


Invited Speakers (Tentative):

David Berlinski
(author of "A Tour of the Calculus" and "The Advent of the Algorithm"):
  The Mathematics of Matter and the Mathematics of Mind

David Harel
(Weizmann Institute of Science):
  A Grand Challenge: Full Reactive Modeling of a Multi-Cellular Animal

Udi Peless
(Friendly Robotics Inc.):
Developing Home Robotics Products: Challenges and Lessons Learned

REGISTRATION INFORMATION: http://www.guarant.cz/hscc2003/

The Workshop on Hybrid Systems attracts researchers from academia
and industry interested in modeling, analysis, and implementation of
dynamic and reactive systems involving both discrete (integer,
logical, symbolic) and continuous behaviors.  It is a forum for the
latest developments in all aspects of hybrid systems, including formal
models and computational representations, algorithms and heuristics,
computational tools, and new challenging applications.  The Sixth HSCC
International Workshop continues the series of workshops held in
Grenoble, France (HART'97), Berkeley, California, USA (HSCC'98),
Nijmegen, The Netherlands (HSCC'99), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
(HSCC 2000), Rome, Italy (HSCC2001) and Palo Alto, California USA

Program Committee:

Rajeev Alur                      University of Pennsylvania
Eugene Asarin                    VERIMAG, Grenoble
Alberto Bemporad                 University of Siena
Jennifer Davoren                 University of Melbourne
Sebastian Engell                 University of Dortmund
Mark Greenstreet                 University of British Columbia
Bruce Krogh                      Carnegie Mellon University
Benjamin Kuipers                 University of Texas, Austin
Kim Larsen                       University of Aalborg
John Lygeros                     University of Cambridge
Oded Maler                       VERIMAG, Grenoble
Manfred Morari                   ETH, Zurich
George Pappas                    University of Pennsylvania
Anders Rantzer                   University of Lund
Amir Pnueli                      Weizmann Institute, Rehovot
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli  University of California, Berkeley
Shankar Sastry                   University of California, Berkeley
Olaf Stursberg			 Carnegie Mellon University
Ashish Tiwari                    SRI international
Paolo Traverso                   IRST, Trento
Howard Wong-Toi                  Cadence Berkeley Labs

Steering Committee:

Maria Di Benedetto, Mark Greenstreet, Bruce Krogh (chair),
Oded Maler, Manfred Morari, Amir Pnueli, Anders Ravn,
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Claire Tomlin.

Local Organization:

The workshop is locally sponsored by Honeywell Prague Laboratory with
support of Guarant travel agency.

Workshop co-chairs:

Amir Pnueli
Department of Computer Science
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot 76100
amir at wisdom.weizmann.ac.il

Oded Maler
2, av. de Vignate
38610 Gieres
maler at imag.fr
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