[om-a] CfP: Mathematical User-Interfaces Workshop at MKM'04

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Wed Apr 21 12:40:44 CEST 2004

                           :please distribute:
                            :call for papers:
                              workshop on

                       Mathematical User Interfaces
                    Sept 18th 2004, Bialowezia, Poland

        at the Third Mathematical Knowledge Management Conference


The impact of mathematical knowledge management on user interfaces
is only begininning to show. In interactive proof construction,
some systems are able to suggest suitable theorems to apply to
subgoals by harvesting online libraries; in computer algebra,
folding/unfolding and automatic completion of terms helps
the user with the input of complex expressions.

Paradigms on how to use third-party software from within
a preferred GUI are emerging and promise to innovate
the notion of mathematical workspace.

This workshop wants to focus on novel aspects of UI brought
forward by the developments in MKM.
It would like to bring together researchers and practioneers
working with contemporary mathematical user-interfaces, including,
but not limited to:
- mathematical knowledge presentation
- interactivity with mathematical objects
- interactive simulations
- mathematical objects input and manipulations.
- access to mathematical knowledge

- Please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in
   participating, and if you intend to submit a presentation proposal.
- Presentation proposals should be accompanied with an article or
   other presentation (for example video).
   Proceedings shall be online.

- Submit your presentation proposal to paul at activemath.org until
    June 30th
- Expect an answer on
    July 20th
- Enjoy the workshop on
    Sept 18th

Paul Cairns
   UCL Interaction Center, University College London, Great Britain
Olga Caprotti
   Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Linz, Austria
Hanane Naciri
   Projet Lemme, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
Norbert Kajler
   Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, France
Paul Libbrecht (organizer)
   Competence Center for E-Learning, DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken, Germany
Robert Miner
   Design Science Inc., Long Beach, California, USA

Host Conference: Mathematical Knowledge Management 2004
More information can be read from the workshop's web-page
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