[om-a] MEGA 2005 First announcement

Carlo Traverso traverso at dm.unipi.it
Mon Aug 2 21:53:48 CEST 2004

Reply-To: traverso at dm.unipi.it
--text follows this line--

            (apologies for multiple submissions)

                      First Announcement 

                           MEGA 2005

             The Eight International Symposium on              
             Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry

       Computing _in_ and _with_ algebraic geometry:
     Theory, Algorithms, Implementations, Applications.

            Porto Conte, Alghero, Sardinia (Italy)
                     May 26th -- June 2nd

(More informations at   http://www.dm.unipi.it/MEGA05)

                     Conference chair

Carlo Traverso, Pisa

                     Conference Committee                           
Alicia Dickenstein (Buenos Aires, Argentina),
Andre' Galligo (Nice, France),
Patrizia Gianni (Pisa, Italy),
Marc Giusti (Palaiseau, France),
Teo Mora (Genova, Italy),
Tomas Recio (Santander, Spain),
Joseph Schicho (Linz, Austria).

                    Important Dates

7.01.2005  Deadline for submissions of contributed talks

01.03.2005  Deadline for submissions of software presentations and
            short announcements

10.03.2005  Notification of acceptance of contributions

29.03.2003  Early registration deadline. WARNING: the accomodation is 
            not guaranteed after that date, and an extra charge of 50 Euro 
            will be requested

26.5 - 2.6.2005 Conference


The conference will be held at Hotel Corte Rosada, a sea resort at
Porto Conte (Alghero).


Participants will be hosted at the hotel. Full board at the hotel will
cost approximately 370  Euro for the 7 nights from 26/5 to 2/6 for
double occupancy, 470 Euro for single occupancy.

The registration fee will be approximately 150 Euro per person 
(50 Euro for students)

E--mail: mega2005 at posso.dm.unipi.it

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