[Om-announce] MKM 2006 First Call for Papers and Workshop Proposals

William Farmer wmfarmer at mcmaster.ca
Thu Dec 15 23:13:01 CET 2005

			       MKM 2006

		  Fifth International Conference on


			  August 10-12, 2006
	     South East England [exact location TBA], UK



Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM) is an emerging
interdisciplinary field of research in the intersection of
mathematics, computer science, library science, and scientific
publishing.  Its objective is to develop new and better ways of
managing mathematical knowledge using sophisticated software tools.
Its grand challenge is to create a universal digital mathematics
library accessible via the World-Wide Web.  Sponsored by the MKM
Interest Group, MKM 2006 will be the fifth conference in a series of
international MKM conferences that started in 2001 (see below).


MKM 2006 will stress two themes:

  1. The nature of mathematical proof and its role in managing
     mathematical knowledge.  Mathematical proof is the traditional
     method for certifying, communicating, and discovering
     mathematical knowledge.  The innovative use of computers to
     perform mathematical computations, empirical confirmations, and
     logical deductions is challenging conventional notions of
     mathematical proof.  What impact will new ideas about proof have
     on MKM?

  2. New modes of consuming and producing mathematical knowledge.
     Engineers and scientists increasingly demand sophisticated
     mathematical knowledge that is different from the kind of
     knowledge mathematicians traditionally produce.  Moreover,
     engineers and scientists are obtaining a large and growing
     portion of their mathematical knowledge by way of mathematical
     software systems.  How will such mathematical knowledge be
     produced, transmitted, and consumed in the future?

MKM 2006 welcomes research papers and workshop proposals on these two
themes as well as on all other aspects of MKM.


   o Gregory J. Chaitin    IBM Research
   o Abdou Youssef         George Washington University


Authors are invited to submit papers up to 12 pages that describe
original theoretical or applied research and that have not been
submitted for publication elsewhere.  Submitted papers will be
peer-reviewed, and those papers accepted will appear in the
proceedings before the Conference.  Authors of accepted papers are
expected to present their work at MKM 2006.  The full paper in PDF
format should be submitted electronically via the Web-based submission
form at http://www.easychair.org/MKM2006/submit/ no later than March
13, 2006.


Proposals for workshops on MKM-related topics are solicited.
Workshops will run for a half day or full day and may present
preliminary work, new ideas, or specialized topics for dissemination
and discussion.  The workshop organizers are responsible for the
workshop program, but local arrangements will be organized by the

A workshop proposal of no more than three pages should include the
workshop's title, the names and backgrounds of the organizers, the
description of the workshop topics and goals, the intended audience,
and a description of how the workshop will be run.  Proposals in PDF
format should be submitted electronically via the Web-based submission
form at http://www.easychair.org/MKM2006/submit/ no later than
February 27, 2006.


Workshop proposals deadline:           February 27, 2006
Web-submission deadline:               March 13, 2006
Notification of acceptance/rejection:  April 24, 2006
Final versions due:                    May 15, 2006
Conference:                            August 10-12, 2006


Andrew Adams                University of Reading, UK
Alessandro Armando          University of Genova, Italy
Jonathan Borwein (Co-Chair) Dalhousie University, Canada
Paul Cairns                 University College London, UK
William Farmer (Co-Chair)   McMaster University, Canada
Michiel Hazewinkel          CWI Amsterdam, Netherlands
Alejandro Jofre             University of Chile, Chile
Michael Kohlhase            International University Bremen, Germany
Dan Lozier                  National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Robert Miner                Design Science, USA
Jim Pitman                  University of California at Berkeley, USA
Andrzej Trybulec            University of Bialystok, Poland
Alf van der Poorten         Macquarie University, Australia
Stephen Watt                University of Western Ontario, Canada
Bernd Wegner                Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Freek Wiedijk               Nijmegen University, Netherlands


Andrew Adams                University of Reading, UK
Paul Cairns                 University College London, UK


MKM IG       http://www.mkm-ig.org/
MKM 2001     http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/institute/conferences/MKM2001/
MKM 2003     http://www.cs.unibo.it/MKM03/
MKM 2004     http://mizar.uwb.edu.pl/MKM2004/
MKM 2005     http://www.mkm-ig.org/meetings/mkm05/
MKM Symposium 2003  http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~fairouz/mkm-symposium03/
NA-MKM 2002  http://imps.mcmaster.ca/na-mkm-2002/
NA-MKM 2004  http://imps.mcmaster.ca/na-mkm-2004/


Please send questions to W. Farmer at wmfarmer at mcmaster.ca.

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