[om-a] MTCoord'05: Second call for papers

Isabelle Linden ili at info.fundp.ac.be
Thu Feb 17 13:17:27 CET 2005

[ Our apologies for multiple copies. ]


                          Second Call for Papers

                      1st International Workshop on
                   Methods and Tools for Coordinating
               Concurrent, Distributed and Mobile Systems
                            (MTCoord 2005)

                     April 23, 2005, Namur, Belgium
     Workshop affiliated to Coordination'2005, April 20 - 23 2005



   o March 1, 2005:    Abstract submission deadline.
   o March 8, 2005:    Paper Submission deadline.
   o April 1, 2005:    Notification of acceptance.
   o April 10, 2005:   Final version.
   o April 23, 2005:   Meeting Date.


   Various classes of  computational models, languages, and formalisms
   have  emerged in the  aim of  providing high-level  descriptions of
   concurrent,  distributed,  and  mobile systems.   Typical  examples
   include so-called  coordination languages and  models (e.g.  Gamma,
   Linda,  Manifold,  Reo, Klaim,  Lime,  ...), concurrent  constraint
   languages (e.g.  cc languages,  Mozart, ...)  and  process algebras
   (e.g. CSP, CCS, pi-calculus, ...).

   These  models are based  on generative  communication via  a shared
   data  space or  on data  communication through  channels.   In both
   cases,  software components  are typically  conceived  in isolation
   assuming  that the  required  data will  eventually  be available.  
   However,  making a  whole system  out of  these components  and, in
   particular, ensuring  that interactions occur properly  is far from
   being  obvious.  The  aim of  the  workshop is  precisely to  bring
   together    researchers,   working    in    different   communities
   (coordination, constraints, process algebras), on methods and tools
   for the construction of concurrent, distributed and mobile systems.


   Topics of interest include but are not limited to

   o Model checking techniques,  in particular  parallel, distributed 
     and probabilistic ones
   o Design of  high-level specifications,  eg based  on first-order,
     modal and temporal logics
   o Techniques for requirements capture and analysis
   o Theorem proving based methodologies
   o Compositional and refinement-based methodologies
   o Debugging techniques
   o Abstract interpretation
   o Program analysis and transformation
   o Simulation and testing
   o Formal methods for security
   o Tools environments and architectures
   o Applications and case studies, in particular in web services 
     and biology


   Papers describing  original work are solicited  as contributions to
   MTCoord 2005.  Submitted papers should be limited to 6 000 words,
   preferrably  formatted  according  to  the  Electronical  Notes  in
   Theoretical Computer Science.

   They should  be submitted through the  conference management system
   that will be available from the workshop web site 


   Selected work  will be  published in a  volume of  the Electronical 
   Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 


   The  workshop will  be held  in Namur  in April  23 2005.  It  is a
   satellite   workshop   of   Coordination   2005.  For   venue   and
   registration,    see   the    Coordination'2005    web   page    at


   o Lubos Brim, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic
   o Isabelle Linden, University of Namur, Belgium


   o Ivana Cerna, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic
   o Rance Cleaveland, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
   o Giorgio Delzanno, University of Genova, Italy
   o Wan Fokkink, CWI, The Netherlands
   o Jean-Marie Jacquet, University of Namur, Belgium
   o Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
   o Angelika Mader, University of Twente, The Netherlands
   o Andreas Podelski, Max Planck Institute, Germany
   o Kaisa Sere, Abo Akademi University, Finland
   o Peter Van Roy, University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
   o Mirko Viroli, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna a Cesena, Italy

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