[om-a] Coordination 2005: Grants

Jean-Marie JACQUET jmj at info.fundp.ac.be
Mon Mar 21 12:25:56 CET 2005

[ Our apologies for multiple copies. ]


                 Grant support for the participation to

                          COORDINATION 2005
  7th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages

                            Namur, Belgium,
                           20-23 April 2005



                       SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE

Modern information systems  rely increasingly on combining concurrent,
distributed, mobile,  reconfigurable and heterogenous  components. New
models,   architectures,   languages,   verification  techniques   are
necessary  to cope  with  the  complexity induced  by  the demands  of
today's software development. Coordination languages have emerged as a
successful approach,  in that  they provide abstractions  that cleanly
separate behavior from communication, therefore increasing modularity,
simplifying reasoning, and ultimately enhancing software development.

Building  on the  success of  the previous  editions,  this conference
provides  a  well-established  forum  for  the  growing  community  of
researchers  interested  in   models,  languages,  architectures,  and
implementation techniques for coordination.


Thanks to the sponsoring  of MicroSoft Research Europe, several grants
are offered in order to allow promising PhD students working on topics
related to coordination models and languages to attend the conference.
The grant  will cover, on the  basis of receipts,  the registration to
the  conference,  hotel accommodation  in  Namur,  and travel  to/from

To apply for a grant, please

1) send an email to the conference chairs at

                        chair at pc.coordination2005.org

no later than April 6th 2005 with following information

- a 2-page position paper on your research stressing its relation
  to the conference
- a CV including your affiliation, age, studies, diplomas, and 
- a budget for your travel to/from Namur.

2) fax a letter of recommendation of your supervisor to

Prof. J.-M. Jacquet
Institute of Informatics
University of Namur
rue Grandgagnage 21
5000 Namur
Fax +32 81 72 49 67


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