[Om-announce] Groebner Bases Bibliography

Alexander Zapletal alexander.zapletal at oeaw.ac.at
Thu Nov 24 16:18:08 CET 2005

We organizing a special semester on Groebner Bases and related methods. 
See http://www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/srs/groeb/. If you are interested in 
participation please fill out and submit the expression of interest, see 

In the frame of this special semester we are also building up a 
web-accessible, comprehensive bibliography on Groebner Bases and related 
topics, see


If you want to contribute entries to this bibliography (either your own 
contributions or other papers not yet contained in the bibliography), 
please fill out and submit a bibliography  submission form on this webpage.
Any type of papers (refereed journal articles, refereed conference 
proceedings, but also technical reports, lecture notes, etc.) are welcome.

Best Regards,
Bruno Buchberger
Director of the Special Semester

Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
Johannes Kepler University, A 4232 Castle of Hagenberg, Austria
Phone office: ++ 43 732 2468 9921
Mobile phone:  ++ 43  664 4211646
Fax: ++ 43 732 2468 9930
E-mail:   bruno.buchberger at jku.at
home page:  www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/people/buchberger
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