[Om-announce] HAV 2007 - Call for Papers

Josh Berdine jjb at microsoft.com
Wed Dec 6 01:03:25 CET 2006

                           Call for Papers

                           H A V   2 0 0 7
                    Heap Analysis and Verification
                  A satellite workshop of ETAPS 2007

                  Braga, Portugal -- March 25, 2007


-- Aim and Scope

   Accurate and efficient expression, discovery, and verification of
   the structure of program heap memory is an active research area.
   Many problems remain open, and therefore many programs remain
   unverified. We are seeing advances however: Among these are
   exciting new techniques for analysis and verification of
   concurrently accessed heap memory, new techniques for
   interprocedural and modular analysis and verification, and great
   strides increasing the range of practically applicable analysis and
   Verification techniques.

   The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers to
   exchange and develop new ideas in all aspects of formal analysis
   and verification for heaps.  Submissions are invited from across
   the full spectrum of basic theoretical work through to applied
   practical work.

-- Topics of Interest

   Topics of particular interest (non-exclusively) include:

   - shape analysis
   - abstract interpretation, program analysis, and model checking for
     heap programs
   - logics and type systems for expressing or verifying heap properties
   - automation and mechanization of such logics
   - graph and other models of the heap
   - comparisons of existing techniques and tools
   - test cases and experimental results

-- Proceedings

   A formal proceedings will not be published.

-- Important Dates

   - paper submission:          January 5, 2007
   - notification:              January 26, 2007
   - final copy due:            February 9, 2007
   - early registration:        February 12, 2007
   - workshop:                  March 25, 2007

-- Invited Speakers
   - Peter Müller               ETH Zürich
   - David Naumann              Stevens Institute of Technology
   - Hongseok Yang              Queen Mary, University of London
   - Greta Yorsh                Tel-Aviv University

-- Paper Submission

   Submissions should not exceed 15 pages in ENTCS format.

-- Program Committee

   - Josh Berdine, co-chair     Microsoft Research Cambridge
   - Ahmed Bouajjani            University of Paris 7
   - Cristiano Calcagno         Imperial College London
   - Greg Morrisett             Harvard University
   - Viktor Kuncak              EPFL
   - Shuvendu Lahiri            Microsoft Research Redmond
   - Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter      TU Kaiserslautern
   - Radu Rugina                Cornell University
   - Mooly Sagiv, co-chair      Tel-Aviv University
   - Eran Yahav                 IBM Watson

-- Organizers:

   Josh Berdine                         Mooly Sagiv
   Microsoft Research, Cambridge        Tel-Aviv University
   jjb at microsoft.com                    msagiv at acm.org

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