[Om-announce] CFP: FCS-ARSPA'07 (Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security and Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis)

Luca Vigano vigano at inf.ethz.ch
Wed Feb 21 22:37:12 CET 2007

apologies for 
multiple copies

****                ****
****  FCS-ARSPA'07  ****
****                ****

A LICS'07  and ICALP'07 Affiliated Workshop on


Wroclaw, Poland, July 8-9, 2007


***      FIRST      ***

Submission deadline: April 15, 2007


Computer security is an established field of computer science of both
theoretical and practical significance. In recent years, there has been
increasing interest in logic-based foundations for various methods in
computer security, including the formal specification, analysis and
design of security protocols and their applications, the formal
definition of various aspects of security such as access control
mechanisms, mobile code security and denial-of-service attacks, and the
modeling of information flow and its application to confidentiality
policies, system composition, and covert channel analysis.

The workshop FCS-ARSPA'07 is the second edition of the fusion of two
workshops: FCS and ARSPA, which joined forces in 2006 for FCS-ARSPA'06,
which was affiliated to LICS'06, in the context of FLoC'06.

The workshop FCS continues a tradition, initiated with the Workshops on
Formal Methods and Security Protocols (FMSP) in 1998 and 1999, then with
the Workshop on Formal Methods and Computer Security (FMCS) in 2000, and
finally with the LICS satellite Workshop on Foundations of Computer
Security (FCS) in 2002 through 2005, of bringing together formal methods
and the security community.

ARSPA is a series of workshops on Automated Reasoning for Security
Protocol Analysis, bringing together researchers and practitioners from
both the security and the formal methods communities, from academia and
industry, who are working on developing and applying automated reasoning
techniques and tools for the formal specification and analysis of
security protocols. The first two ARSPA workshops were held as satellite
events of the 2nd International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
(IJCAR'04) and of the 32nd International Colloquium on Automata,
Languages and Programming (ICALP'05), respectively.

The aim of the joint workshop FCS-ARSPA'07 is to provide a forum for
continued activity in these areas, to bring computer security
researchers in closer contact with the LICS and ICALP communities, and
to give LICS and ICALP attendees an opportunity to talk to experts in
computer security. We thus solicit submissions of papers both on mature
work and on work in progress.

We are interested both in new results in theories of computer security
and also in more exploratory presentations that examine open questions
and raise fundamental concerns about existing theories, as well as in
new results on developing and applying automated reasoning techniques
and tools for the formal specification and analysis of security

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

Automated reasoning techniques       Access control and resource usage control
Composition issues                   Authentication
Formal specification                 Availability and denial of service
Foundations of verification          Covert channels
Information flow analysis            Confidentiality
Language-based security              Integrity and privacy
Logic-based design              for  Intrusion detection
Program transformation               Malicious code
Security models                      Mobile code
Static analysis                      Mutual distrust
Statistical methods                  Privacy
Tools                                Security policies
Trust management                     Security protocols

All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Authors of accepted papers must
guarantee that their paper will be presented at the workshop.


Submissions should be at most 15 pages (a4paper, 11pt), including
references, in the Springer LNCS style available at the URL
The cover page should include title, names of authors, co-ordinates of
the corresponding author, an abstract, and a list of keywords.
It is recommended that submissions adhere to the specified format and
length. Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected
Additional material intended for the referees but not for publication in
the final version - for example details of proofs - may be placed in a
clearly marked appendix that is not included in the page limit.
Simultaneous submissions to a journal or another conference are
accepted, unless the rules for the journal or the other conference
exclude such a possibility. If the paper is accepted to both
FCS-ARSPA'07 and the other venue, it is the responsibility of the
authors to promptly notify FCS-ARSPA'07 chairs and to acknowledge
copyright holders.

Authors are invited to submit their papers electronically, as portable
document format (pdf) or postscript (ps); please, do not send files
formatted for work processing packages (e.g., Microsoft Word or
Wordperfect files).

The only mechanism for paper submissions is via the electronic
submission web-site (which will soon be available).


Papers due:                  April 15, 2007
Notification of acceptance:  May   20, 2007
Final paper versions due:    June  10, 2007
Workshop:                    July  08-09, 2007

Informal proceedings will be made available in electronic format and
they will be distributed to all participants of the workshop.
A journal special issue associated to the workshop (but open also to
non-participants, in all cases with fresh reviewing) is planned.

To be announced


* Alessandro Armando (Universita` di Genova, Italy)
* Anindya Banerjee (Kansas State University, USA)
* Massimo Bartoletti (Universita` di Pisa, Italy)
* Michele Boreale (Universita` di Firenze, Italy)
* Yannick Chevalier (IRIT Toulouse, France)
* Veronique Cortier (LORIA Nancy, France)
* Cas Cremers (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
* Pierpaolo Degano (Universita` di Pisa, Italy; co-chair)
* Ralf Kuesters (ETH Zurich, Switzerland; co-chair)
* Volkmar Lotz (SAP Labs France)
* Cathy Meadows (Naval Research Laboratory, USA)
* Sebastian Moedersheim (IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland)
* David Naumann (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
* Mark Ryan (University of Birmingham, U.K.)
* Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University, Japan)
* Luca Vigano` (Universita` di Verona, Italy; co-chair)
* Steve Zdancewic (University of Pennsylvania, USA; co-chair)

FCS Steering Committee:
* Martin Abadi (University of California at Santa Cruz, USA)
* John Mitchell (Stanford University, USA)
* Andrei Sabelfeld (Chalmers, Sweden; chair)
* Andre Scedrov (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
* Luca Vigano` (Universita` di Verona, Italy)


Information about registration, travel, and venue can be found on the
LICS'07 web-site and on the ICALP'07 web-site.

For further information send an email to the workshop co-chairs at the address specified on the workshop's web-site.

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