[Om-announce] PASCO 2007: Call for Participation

PASCO 2007 pasco2007 at scl.csd.uwo.ca
Thu Jun 21 23:19:12 CEST 2007

               Parallel Symbolic Computation 2007 (PASCO 2007)

                   July 27-28, 2007 -- London Canada


                         Third Announcement and 

                         CALL for PARTICIPATION

  ** Preliminary program available **


   This page contains the programs of SNC 2007 and PASCO 2007.

  ** Registration open **


  ** Tutorials **

  Tutorials on July 26 will be offered to the PASCO participants.
  Details soon on the conference web site.


  Individuals who wish to attend the conference are invited to
  register via the conference web site.


  The pervasive ubiquity of parallel architectures, from SMPs to multi-core 
  laptops, has led to a new quest for mathematical algorithms and software 
  capable of exploiting these computing resources. Symbolic computation 
  offers exciting, but highly complex, challenges to scientists aiming to 
  contribute to this quest.

  The goal of the present workshop is to stimulate the development of 
  parallel algorithms and software for achieving high performance in symbolic 
  computation from grids to home computers. Earlier meetings in this series  
  include PASCO '94 in Linz, Austria and PASCO '97 in Maui, U.S.A.

  PASCO 2007 is affiliated with the 2007 International Symposium on Symbolic 
  and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2007). Co-located with this workshop will 
  be SNC 2007, the 2007 International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation.
  SNC and PASCO will be held immediately prior to the ISSAC 2007 meeting, both
  at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. ISSAC 2007 will be held nearby 
  in Waterloo, Canada.

Invited Speakers:

  The conference is pleased to announce the following invited speakers.

    * Michael A. Bauer, Univ. of Western Ontario
    * Matteo Frigo, Cilk Arts
    * Thierry Gautier, INRIA
    * Anthony D. Kennedy, Edinburg Univ. (Jointly with SNC)
    * Katherine Yelick, Univ. of California at Berkeley 

Conference Organization:

  Chair:                Marc Moreno Maza <moreno at orcca.on.ca>
  Local Arrangements:   Eric Schost      <schost at orcca.on.ca>
  Proceedings Editor:   Stephen Watt     <watt at orcca.on.ca>
  Web site:             Francois Lemaire <lemaire at lifl.fr>
  Administration:       Meg Borthwick    <meg at csd.uwo.ca>

Program Committee:

  Gene Cooperman, Northeastern University, USA
  Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Universite Joseph Fourier, France
  Jean-Charles Faugere, CNRS, France
  Mark Giesbrecht, University of Waterloo, Canada
  Erich Kaltofen, North Carolina State University, USA
  Anton Leykin, University of Minnesota, USA
  Marc Moreno Maza, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  Jean-Louis Roch, Universite Joseph Fourier, France
  David Saunders, University of Delaware, USA
  Carlo Traverso, Universita di Pisa, Italy
  Gilles Villard, CNRS, France


  Support from the following organizations is gratefully acknowledged:

  The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
  The MITACS Network of Centers of Excellence
  The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
  The University of Western Ontario (UWO)
  The Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra (ORCCA)
  The Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Network (SHARCNET)


  PASCO 2007  http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/pasco2007
  SNC 2007    http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/snc2007
  ISSAC 2007  http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/conferences/issac2007

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