[Om-announce] CFParticipation CADE21, Bremen July 17-20 (Early Bird: June 10)
Michael Kohlhase
m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de
Fri May 18 14:36:34 CEST 2007
21st International Conference on Automated Deduction
Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
July 17-20, 2007 (workshops July 15-16)
Call for Participation
CADE is the major forum for the presentation of research in all
aspects of automated deduction.
- Logics of interest include propositional, first-order, equational,
higher-order, classical, intuitionistic, constructive, modal, temporal,
many-valued, substructural, description, and meta-logics, logical
frameworks, type theory and set theory.
- Methods of interest include resolution, tableaux, term rewriting,
induction, unification, constraint solving, SAT solving, decision
procedures, saturation, model generation, model checking, natural
deduction, sequent calculi, proof planning, proof presentation, proof
checking, and explanation.
- Applications of interest include hardware and software development,
systems analysis and verification, deductive databases, functional and
logic programming, computer mathematics, natural language processing,
computational linguistics, robotics, planning, knowledge representation,
and other areas of AI.
Invited speakers:
Peter Baumgartner, NICTA and Australian National University
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research
Colin Stirling, University of Edinburgh
Ashish Tiwari, SRI International
Affiliated workshops (July 15-16, 2007):
ADDCT - Automated Deduction: Decidability, Complexity, Tractability
CVF - Fourth International Workshop on Constraints in Formal
DISPROVING - Workshop on Disproving: Non-Theorems, Non-Validity,
ESARLT - Empirically Successful Automated Reasoning in Large Theories
ISABELLE-WS - Isabelle Workshop
LFMTP - International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages:
Theory and Practice
VERIFY - 4th International Verification Workshop
Woody Bledsoe student travel awards:
Nominations must be made by June 1; details available at
Registration is open at
Important dates:
Early Bird Registration: until June 10, 2007
Workshops and tutorials: July 15-16, 2007
Conference: July 17-20, 2007
Conference Chair: Michael Kohlhase (Jacobs Univ.)
Workshop and Tutorial Chair: Christoph Benzmueller (Cambridge)
Program Chair: Frank Pfenning (CMU)
Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase, Office: Research 1, Room 62
Professor of Computer Science Campus Ring 12,
School of Engineering & Science D-28759 Bremen, Germany
Jacobs University Bremen* tel/fax: +49 421 200-3140/-493140
m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de http://kwarc.info/kohlhase
skype: m.kohlhase * International University Bremen until Feb. 2007
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