Marc Denecker Marc.Denecker at cs.kuleuven.be
Fri Aug 15 23:39:05 CEST 2008

     Computation of structures from declarative descriptions
             Leuven, Belgium, November 6-7, 2008


	      DEADLINE EXTENSION: August 25, 2008.



Submission: August 25, 2008
Notification: September 15, 2008
Workshop: November 6-7, 2008


LaSh is the first workshop that aims to bring together researchers
from the areas of Propositional Satisfiability (SAT), Constraint
Programming (CP), and Answer Set Programming (ASP). While so far SAT,
ASP and CP have developed as three independent disciplines, the past
years have shown a trend in which the application domains of SAT, CP
and ASP are more and more overlapping and the languages developed in
these areas tend to converge.  There is a growing awareness of the
potential of combining techniques and algorithms from the different


LaSh08 aims to offer a discussion forum for research in SAT, ASP and
CP.  We invite contributions on modeling languages,
methodologies, theoretical analysis, techniques, algorithms and
systems. The forum is an occasion to exchange ideas on the
state-of-the-art; to discuss specific technical problems; to formulate
challenges and opportunities ahead; to analyse differences and
simularities between the different areas; to study opportunities for
synergy and integration.

In particular, we would like to foster exchange at least on the
following topics:

 -- integrations of  SAT, ASP and/or CP technologies
 -- comparisons of modeling languages 
 -- criteria for choice of modeling languages 
	 (for modeling convenience or efficiency) 
 -- new algorithm directions
 -- efficient modeling  strategies 
 -- new  applications 
 -- complexity results, tractable subsets  
 -- completeness results (e.g. capturing complexity classes)
 -- methods for taking advantage of tractability results
 -- SAT modulo theories
 -- solver implementation techniques,
 -- algorithms for grounding 
 -- modeling languages and constructs 
	(aggregates, global constraints,..)
 -- search control and heuristics in the context of model generation
 -- symmetry breaking in model construction
 -- optimisation problems in model construction: 
     	-- languages for optimality criteria; 
     	-- algorithms for computing optimal models

LaSh08 will also provide an opportunity for presentation of implemented
systems and tools at a demo session. Thus, we invite submissions of
systems and tools that reflect the above ideas, and aim at facilitating
declarative problem solving, and making it practical and used.

Workshop format:

The workshops objective is to create an informal, stimulating
atmosphere for exchange of ideas. 

The invited speakers are well-known experts:
    * Pascal Van Hentenryck, Brown University, 
      "Constraint Programming at Work ".
    * Robert Nieuwenhuis, Technical University of Catalonia, 
      "The Barcelogic approach to search: fast and robust but expressive".

A panel with experts of the different fields will be organized to
discuss differences and similarities between the different areas,
opportunities for integration, etc.

Paper Format

Technical papers and application papers must be in the Springer LNCS
format and must not exceed 15 pages.

Experimental and tool papers are intended to describe implementations
of systems, to report experiments with implemented systems, or to
compare implemented systems. They can be at most 8 pages long in the
LNCS style.

The workshop has no formal proceedings; copies of the contributions
will be available.

Program Chair
    * Marc Denecker, K.U.Leuven

Organizing Committee 
    * Enrico Giunchiglia,  University of Genova
    * Victor Marek,  University of Kentucky
    * David Mitchell,   Simon Fraser University
    * Eugenia Ternovska  Simon Fraser University 
    * Mirek Truzczynski,  University of Kentucky
    * Marc Denecker, K.U.Leuven 

Program Committee
    * Peter Baumgartner, The Australian National University
    * Francesco Calimeri, University of Calabria
    * Koen Claessen,  Chalmers University of Technology
    * Thomas Eiter, Vienna University of Technology
    * Wolfgang Faber, University of Calabria
    * Pierre Flener, Uppsala University
    * Alan Frisch, University of York
    * Enrico Giunchiglia, University of Genova
    * Daniel LeBerre,  Universite d'Artois
    * Fangzen Lin, Hong kong University of Science and Technology
    * Ines Lynce, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa
    * Tony Mancini, Sapienza Universita di Roma
    * Victor Marek, University of Kentucky
    * David Mitchell, Simon Fraser University
    * Pierre Marquis, Universite d'Artois
    * Ilkka Niemela, Helsinki University of Technology
    * Karem Sakallah, University of Michigan
    * Torsten Schaub, University of Potsdam
    * Barry O'Sullivan, University College Cork
    * Eugenia Ternovska  Simon Fraser University
    * Mirek Truszcznski, University of Kentucky
    * Pascal Van Hentenryck, Brown University 
    * Toby Walsh, University of New South Wales

Local organisation
    * Marc Denecker, K.U.Leuven
    * Joost Vennekens, K.U.Leuven 


The workshop will take place in the Beguinage of Leuven,
Belgium. Leuven is an old flemish town, hosting the oldest university
of the lower countries. The Beguinage is a medieval city in the city,
where the beguines lived together to form a religious community. The
Beguinage is recognized as a Unesco World Heritage site.

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