[Om-announce] RTA'08: Call For Papers

Ashish Tiwari tiwari at csl.sri.com
Mon Jan 14 21:26:29 CET 2008

    *                                                      *
    *                       RTA 2008                       *
    *         Rewriting Techniques and Applications        *
    *             19th International Conference            *
    *                                                      *
    *   July 15-17, 2008, Castle of Hagenberg, Austria     *
    * http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/conferences/rta2008/  *
    *                                                      *

The 19th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and
Applications (RTA 2008) is organised as part of the RISC Summer
2008, which comprises five conferences, five workshops and the
Training School in Symbolic Computation, and is followed by the
3rd International School on Rewriting in Obergurgl.

Abstract:           February 4, 2008
Paper Submission:   February 11, 2008
Notification:       April 4, 2008
Final version:      April 25, 2008

RTA is the major forum for the presentation of research on all
aspects of rewriting. Typical areas of interest include
(but are not limited to):

 * Applications: case studies; analysis of cryptographic protocols;
   rule-based (functional and logic) programming; symbolic and
   algebraic computation; theorem proving; system synthesis and
   verification; proof checking; reasoning about programming
   languages and logics; program transformation;

 * Foundations: matching and unification; narrowing; completion
   techniques; strategies; rewriting calculi, constraint solving;
   tree automata; termination; combination;

 * Frameworks: string, term, and graph rewriting; lambda-calculus
   and higher-order rewriting; constrained rewriting/deduction;
   categorical and infinitary rewriting; integration of decision

 * Implementation: implementation techniques; parallel execution;
   rewrite tools; termination checking;

 * Semantics: equational logic; rewriting logic; rewriting models
   of programs.

An award is given to the best paper or papers as decided by the
program committee.

Limited student support will be available and announced in future
versions of this call.

 * Andrei Voronkov          University of Manchester

 * Maribel Fernández        King's College London
 * Neil Ghani               University of Leicester
 * Jürgen Giesl             RWTH Aachen
 * Guillem Godoy            Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
 * Jean Goubault-Larrecq    ENS Cachan
 * Tetsuo Ida               University of Tsukuba
 * Claude Kirchner          INRIA
 * Konstantin Korovin       University of Manchester
 * Temur Kutsia             Johannes Kepler University Linz
 * Aart Middeldorp          University of Innsbruck
 * Paliath Narendran        SUNY at Albany
 * Robert Nieuwenhuis       Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
 * Michaël Rusinowitch      INRIA
 * Aaron Stump              Washington University in St. Louis
 * Jean-Marc Talbot         Université de Provence
 * Yoshihito Toyama         Tohoku University
 * Ralf Treinen             Université Paris Diderot
 * Andrei Voronkov          University of Manchester
 * Hans Zantema             Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

 * Bruno Buchberger         Johannes Kepler University Linz

 * Temur Kutsia             Johannes Kepler University Linz

Submissions must be original and not submitted for publication
elsewhere. Submission categories include regular research papers
and system descriptions. Problem sets and submissions describing
interesting applications of rewriting techniques are also welcome.

The page limit for submissions is 15 pages in Springer LNCS style
(10 pages for system descriptions). Papers must be submitted
electronically through the EasyChair system. The submission Web
page is


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