[Om-announce] Open PhD Positions in Computational Mathematics (2nd Call)
Marion Schimpl
office at dk-compmath.jku.at
Mon Jun 2 12:27:11 CEST 2008
Dear Colleague,
This is a SECOND announcement of open PhD positions within the frame of our
newly installed Doctoral Program (DK) "Computational Mathematics: Numerical
Analysis and Symbolic Computation" at the Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Austria. The DK will start on October 1, 2008.
--> There are still some positions to be filled. In case you know of
possible candidates, we kindly ask you to forward this information.
Application deadline (extended): June 30, 2008
Application details: http://www.DK-CompMath.jku.at
Again sincerest thanks for your cooperation,
and best wishes,
Peter Paule
Director of the Doctoral Program (DK) and of the SFB F013
Johannes Kepler University Linz
4040 Linz, AUSTRIA
office at DK-CompMath.jku.at
July 24 - 26, 2008, Hagenberg, Austria
4th International Conference on Symbolic and
Numerical Scientific Computing (SNSC'08)
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