[Om-announce] [ISSAC-ANNOUNCE] JSC Special Issue for ISSAC 2008

ISSAC 2008 issac2008 at RISC.UNI-LINZ.AC.AT
Sun Oct 19 20:41:54 CEST 2008

                                CALL FOR PAPERS



                                 Guest Editors
                M'hammed El Kahoui and Laureano Gonzalez-Vega

This special issue is related to topics discussed in the context of
the ISSAC Conference in July 2008 at Linz, Austria. The International
Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) is the
premier annual conference to present and discuss new developments and
original research results in all areas of symbolic mathematical

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Algorithmic Mathematics:
Algebraic, symbolic and symbolic-numeric algorithms. Simplification,
function manipulation, summation, integration,
polynomial/differential/difference equations, linear algebra, number
theory, group and invariant theory, geometric computing.

Computer Science:
Theoretical and practical problems in symbolic computation. Systems,
problem solving environments, user interfaces, software, libraries,
parallel/distributed computing and programming languages, concrete
analysis, benchmarking, theoretical and practical complexity,
automatic differentiation, code generation, mathematical data
structures and exchange protocols.

Problem treatments using algebraic, symbolic or symbolic-numeric
computation in an essential or a novel way. Engineering, economics
and finance, physical and biological sciences, computer science,
logic, mathematics and education.

The special issue will contain a selection of papers which
substantially extend existing works on these topics. The submission
is open to contributions not necessarly related to papers included in
the proceedings of ISSAC 08.

The guiding principles for the publication procedure will be the following:

- Original research results and insightful analysis of current concerns are
   solicited for submission. Submissions must not duplicate work already
   published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Further insights on papers
   included in the Proceedings of the ISSAC 2007 Conference are welcome, but the
   new contributions should be relevant.

   The paper should explain in its introduction, what the problem is, its
   importance, the contribution of the paper, how it is related to the existing
   literature, and what are the significant improvements/enhancement compared to
   the related ISSAC 2008 paper, if it exists.

- All the papers will be refereed according to the JSC standards.

- Papers should be submitted by email to laureano.gonzalez at mac.com .

- DEADLINE: January 5, 2008

- The format is pdf. Please prepare your manuscript by using the JSC style
   files, which are available from the JSC home pages at

- Notification of acceptance: around end of May 2009.

- The final versions should be sent in by the end of May 2009, with tex
   sources, in the same way as the initial submission.

- The special issue is expected to appear by the time of ISSAC 2009.

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