[Om-announce] PADL 09 Deadline Extensino

Terrance Swift tswift at cs.sunysb.edu
Sun Sep 7 23:43:14 CEST 2008

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			  Deadline Extension

Due to numerous requests, we have extended the deadling for PADL 09
until September 11, 11:59 PM, GMT - 12

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		 Eleventh International Symposium on
	   Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages 2009
			      (PADL '09)


			Savannah Georgia, USA
			 January 19-20, 2008

		     Co-located with ACM POPL'09

Declarative languages build on sound theoretical bases to provide
attractive frameworks for application development. These languages
have been successfully applied to vastly different real-world
situations, ranging from data base management to active networks to
software engineering to decision support systems.

New developments in theory and implementation have opened up new
application areas.  At the same time, applications of declarative
languages to novel problems raise numerous interesting research
issues. Well-known questions include designing for scalability,
language extensions for application deployment, and programming
environments. Thus, applications drive the progress in the theory and
implementation of declarative systems, and benefit from this progress
as well.

PADL is a forum for researchers and practitioners to present original
work emphasizing novel applications and implementation techniques for
all forms of declarative concepts, including, functional, logic,
constraints, etc. Topics of interest include:

 * innovative applications of declarative languages;
 * declarative domain-specific languages and applications;
 * practical applications of theoretical results;
 * new language developments & their impact on applications;
 * evaluation of implementation techniques on practical applications;
 * novel uses of declarative languages in the classroom; and
 * practical experiences

PADL 09 welcomes new ideas and approaches pertaining to applications
and implementation of declarative languages.  PADL 09 will be
co-located with the ACM POPL.


      Paper Submission:	September 11 2008
      Notification:	October 10, 2008
      Camera-ready:	November 5, 2008
      Symposium:	January 19-20, 2009

Authors should submit an electronic copy of the full paper (written in
English) in Postscript (Level 2) or PDF, in the Springer LNCS format
(see http://www.springeronline.com/lncs/ ).

In addition to the technical papers of previous PADL conferences, PADL
09 will contain a streamk for application papers.


Technical papers must describe original, previously unpublished
results, and must not be simultaneously submitted for publication
elsewhere.  Each submission must be written in English, and include
three to four keywords, which will be used to assist us in selecting
appropriate reviewers for the paper.  Submissions must not exceed 15
pages in Springer LNCS format.


Application papers are a mechanism to present important practical
applications of declarative languages that occur in industry or
in areas of research other than computer science.  Application
papers will be published in the Springer-Verlag conference
proceedings, and will be presented in a separate poster session.

Application papers, are expected to describe complex and/or real-world
applications that rely on an innovative use of declarative languages.
Application descriptions, engineering solutions and real-world
experiences (both positive and negative) are solicited.

The limit for application papers is 3 pages in Springer LNCS format.


The Most Practical Paper award will be given to the technical
submission that is judged by the program committee to be the best in
terms of practicality, originality, and clarity of presentation. The
program committee may choose not to make an award, or to make multiple


          Lennart Augustsson      Credit Suisse (UK)
          Hasan Davulcu		  Arizona State University (US)
          Inés Dutra	  	  Universidade do Porto (PT)
          John Gallagher	  Roskilde University (DK)
          Andy Gordon             Microsoft Research (UK)
          Jeff Gray               University of Alabama at Birmingham (US)
	  Kevin Hamlen		  University of Texas at Dallas (US)
          Fergus Henderson        Google (US)
          Gabriele Keller         University of New South Wales (Australia)
          Michael Kifer		  SUNY Stony Brook (US)
          Ilkka Niemelä       	  Helsinki University of Technology (FI)
          Johan Nordlander        Luleå  University of Technology (Sweden)
          Luís Pereira	  	  Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
          Tom Schrijvers	  Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE)
          Lindsey Spratt	  Onology Works (US)
          Don Stewart             Galois, Inc (US)
          Walter Wilson	          Systems Development and Analysis (US)

     For information about papers and submissions, please contact a Program Chair:

          Andy Gill
          PC co-Chair - PADL 2009
          Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
          The University of Kansas
          2001 Eaton Hall
          1520 West 15th Street
          Lawrence, KS 66045-7621
          Email: andygill <AT> ku.edu

          Terrance Swift
          PC co-Chair - PADL 2009
          Centre for Artificial Intelligence (CENTRIA)
          Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
          Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
          Email: tswift <AT> cs.sunysb.edu

     For other information about the conference, please contact:

          Kevin Hamlen
          General Chair - PADL 2009
          Department of Computer Science
          University of Texas at Dallas
          Richardson, TX, USA
          Email: hamlen <AT> utdallas.edu

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