[Om-announce] SADFE CFP - Submission Deadline Approaching

Rob Erbacher erbacher at cs.albany.edu
Tue Mar 17 17:36:13 CET 2009

IEEE/SADFE-2009: Fourth International IEEE Workshop on Systematic
Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering, in conjunction with the
IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium

May 21, 2009, Oakland, CA, USA

Paper submissions due: Mar. 25, 2009 (this is an extended date, and is
now firm)
Decisions by: Apr. 15, 2009

The IEEE/SADFE (Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering)
International Workshop promotes systematic approaches to computer
investigations, by furthering the advancement of digital forensic
engineering as a disciplined practice.

Most previous SADFE papers have emphasized cyber crime investigations,
and this is still a key focus of the meeting.  However, we also
welcome papers on forensics that do not necessarily involve a crime:
general attack analysis, insider threat, insurance and compliance
investigations, and similar forms of retrospective analysis are all
viable topics. Digital forensic engineering is characterized by the
application of scientific and mathematical principles to the
investigation and establishment of facts or evidence, either for use
within a court of law or to aid in understanding past events on a
computer system.

Past speakers and attendees of SADFE have included computer
scientists, social scientists, forensic practitioners, law
enforcement, lawyers, and judges. The synthesis of hard technology and
science with social science and practice forms the foundation of this

Workshop Topics

The field of digital forensics faces many challenges, including scale,
scope and presentation or reintegration of primarily technical
information and conclusions into a non-technical societal framework.

Digital information now permeates cyber-crimes and cyber-enabled
crimes.  It may be available for only nanoseconds or for years; it may
involve only a single bit that has been modified, or huge volumes of
data that may be found locally or spread globally throughout a variety
of infrastructures. Correlating large amounts of digital information,
establishing relevance and reliability and authenticating electronic
evidence may be exceptionally difficult across geographically
dispersed public and proprietary platforms.

To advance the state of the art, IEEE/SADFE-2009 solicits broad-based,
innovative digital forensic engineering technology, techno-legal and
practice-related submissions in the following four areas:

Digital Data and Evidence Management: advanced digital evidence
discovery, collection, and storage

         *       Identification, authentication and collection of digital 
         *       Post-collection handling of evidence and the preservation 
of data
         *       Evidence preservation and storage
         *       Forensic-enabled architectures and processes, including 
         *       Managing geographically, politically and/or 
dispersed data
         *       Data and web mining systems for identification and 
of relevant data

Principle-based Digital Forensic Processes: systematic engineering
processes supporting digital evidence management which are sound on
scientific, technical and legal grounds

         *       Legal and technical aspects of admissibility and evidence 
         *       Examination environments for digital data
         *       Courtroom expert witness and case presentation
         *       Case studies illustrating privacy, legal and legislative 
         *       Forensic tool validation: legal implications and issues
         *       Legal and privacy implications for digital and 
forensic analysis

Digital Evidence Analytics: advanced digital evidence analysis,
correlation, and presentation

         *       Advanced search, analysis, and presentation of digital 
         *       Progressive cyber crime scenario analysis and 
         *       Legal case construction & digital evidence support
         *       Cyber-crime strategy analysis & modeling
         *       Combining digital and non-digital evidence
         *       Supporting qualitative or statistical evidence
         *       Computational systems and computational forensic analysis

Forensic-support technologies: forensic-enabled and proactive

         *       Forensics of embedded or non-traditional devices (e.g., 
cell phones, SCADA)
         *       Innovative forensic engineering tools and applications
         *       Forensic-enabled support for incident response
         *       Forensic tool validation: methodologies and principles
         *       Legal and technical collaboration
         *       Digital Forensics Surveillance Technology and Procedures
         *       "Honeypot" and other target systems for data collection 

Instructions for Paper and Panel Submissions

The IEEE/SADFE-2009 Program Committee invites three types of

Full papers

Full papers present mature research results. Papers accepted for
presentation at the Workshop will be included in the IEEE/SADFE-2009
proceedings, which will be published by IEEE Press following the
workshop.  This gives authors a chance to revise their submissions
based on feedback received during the workshop.  Full papers should be
8-12 pages when formatted according to IEEE 6x9, one-column guidelines
].  Papers must include an abstract and a list of keywords, and
clearly indicate the corresponding author.

"Work-in-Progress" short papers

These shorter papers should describe interesting developing work or
concept in the field of digital forensic engineering. These papers
should emphasize the nature of the problem they present, potential
solution and implications/impacts to the field, in such a way that it
will engender community discussion. A selection of these papers will
be presented at IEEE/SADFE-2009 in a Works-in-Progress session. Work-
in-Progress papers should be 3-5 pages long. Work-in-Progress papers
will be included as an appendix in the IEEE/SADFE-2009 proceedings.
Authors may participate in only one Work-in-Progress paper (in the
case of multiple submissions, later submissions will be deleted).


Describing work in progress and/or specific tools available without
charge to the research community (ie, no vendor posters should be
submitted). Submissions must consist of a one-page abstract. Posters
will not be included in the proceedings.  There will be a session at
the workshop in which authors of selected posters will have individual
opportunities to briefly introduce their work during the meeting, and
will receive live feedback and questions on their work from members of
the program committee.

Each paper submission will be reviewed by at least three IEEE/
SADFE-2009 Program Committee members. The selection process will be
based on review technical merits. Panel and posters decisions will be
made by Program Chair with recommendations from Program Committee and
Steering Committee.

Double Submissions, Uniqueness & Presentation

IEEE/SADFE-2009 is intended to support discussion and publication of
novel results. To meet this goal, submissions must not substantially
duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere. Work
submitted in parallel to any other conference or workshop with
proceedings is explicitly excluded from participation. If the work has
been submitted elsewhere in a venue that does not include proceedings,
the extent of the replication and the nature of the other venue should
be clearly indicated in a cover letter submitted along with the paper.
Finally, plagiarism has no place in the scholarly community and the
program committee reserves the right to notify employers and/or others
of any confirmed cases of plagiarism.

For accepted Full Papers, Posters, and for the Work-in-Progress, it is
required that at least one of the authors attends the conference to
present the paper.  The presenting author must be registered by the
date of the camera-ready submission.  The deadline for Work-in-
Progress and Full papers is the same.

All submissions (papers & panel proposals) must be submitted
electronically, following the instructions to be provided on the IEEE/
SADFE'09 website (http://conf.ncku.edu.tw/sadfe/sadfe09/). Papers must
list all authors and their affiliations; in case of multiple authors,
the contact author must be indicated.

Workshop Format

The SADFE workshop will consist of invited talks, paper presentations
and panel discussions. All presentations, talks and panel discussions
will be made in English.

Steering Committee:

Deb Frincke, co-chair       Pacific Northwest National Labs
Ming-Yuh Huang, co-chair    The Boeing Company
Chi Sung Laih               National Cheng Kung University
Michael Losavio             University of Louisville
Alec Yasinsac               University of South Alabama

Organizing Committee:

General Chair:                  Rob Erbacher (Utah State University)
Program Committee Co-Chairs:    Matt Bishop (UC Davis) and Sean Peisert
(UC Davis)
Publication Chair:              Carrie Gates (CA Labs)
Publicity Chair, North America: Marc Rogers (Purdue University)
Publicity Co-Chair, Asia:       Chi-Sung Laih (National Cheng Kung 
                                 K P Chow (University of Hong Kong)
Publicity Co-Chair, Europe:     Erland Jonsson (Chalmers University of
Publicity Co-Chair, Australia:  Trish Williams (Edith Cowan University)
Submission Chair:               Adel Elmaghraby (University of Louisville)
Sponsorship Chair:              Alec Yasinsac (University of Southern 
Website Host:                   Chi-Sung Laih (National Cheng Kung 

Program Committee:

Becky Bace                  Infidel, Inc.
Matt Bishop                 University of California, Davis
Brian Carrier               Basis Corp.
Charisse Castagnoli         Independent Consultant
Herve Debar                 France Telecom R&D
Barbara Endicott-Popovsky   University of Washington
Deb Frincke                 Pacific Northwest National Labs
Simson Garfinkel            Naval Postgraduate School
Carrie Gates                CA Labs
Brian Hay                   University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Erin Kenneally              University of California, San Diego
Chi Sung Laih               National Cheng Kung University
Michael Losavio             University of Louisville
Keith Marzullo              University of California, San Diego
Kara Nance                  University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Sean Peisert                University of California, Davis
Mark Pollitt                University of Central Florida
Christian Probst            Technical University of Denmark
Clay Shields                Georgetown University
Abe Singer                  California Institute of Technology
Fred Chris Smith            Former Assistant U.S. Attorney
Tye Stallard                University of California, Davis
Bill Tafoya                 University of New Haven
Carol Taylor                Eastern Washington University
Wietse Venema               IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Giovanni Vigna              University of California, Santa Barbara
Avishai Wool                Tel Aviv University

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