[Om-announce] Automated Reasoning Workshop 2009 - 2nd Call for Papers

U.Hustadt at liverpool.ac.uk U.Hustadt at liverpool.ac.uk
Thu Mar 26 00:39:27 CET 2009

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2009 Workshop on Automated Reasoning
Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice

21st - 22nd April 2009
University of Liverpool

** Deadline for submissions of extended abstracts: 31st March 2009 **

The workshop will cover the full breadth and diversity of automated
reasoning and will include topics such as:

 * Theorem proving in classical and non-classical logics

 * Reasoning systems and mechanisms:
    - Description logics
    - Equational reasoning, unification
    - Induction
    - Constraint Satisfaction
    - Combining reasoning systems
    - Specialised decision procedures

 * Formal methods in software analysis:
    - Verification
    - Formal Modelling

 * Non-classical inference:
    - Non-monotonic reasoning, abduction
    - Intuitionistic reasoning

 * Logic-based knowledge representation:
    - Ontology specification,
    - Domain specific reasoning (spatial, temporal, epistemic etc.)

 * Reasoning for agents (or about agents)

 * Interactive theorem proving

 * Implementation issues and empirical results

 * Applications of automated reasoning

We invite the submission of  camera-ready, two-page extended abstracts 
about  recent work,  work in  progress, or  a system description.  The
abstract can describe work that has  already been published elsewhere. 
Anyone wishing to attend but not interested in presenting  should send
a shorter position statement (1/2 - 1 page).
The  main  objective of  the abstracts  is to spread information about
recent work  in our  community, and  we expect to accept most on-topic
submissions, but we may ask for revisions.

To prepare your submission,  please use the  LaTeX style file provided
on the workshop web page:
Each   submission should include  the    names and complete  addresses
(including  email) of all authors. Correspondence  will be sent to the
first  author, unless otherwise indicated. 

Submissions  should be  sent in in  either Postscript or PDF format by
email to the workshop organisers at: U.Hustadt at liverpool.ac.uk

Abstracts will  be published  in informal  workshop notes  and be made
available on the internet.

Each workshop attendee will be allocated a 5-10 minute slot (depending
on time  constraints), for  a short talk  to introduce their research. 
Each  attendee will also be allocated space in a poster session, where
they  can  further  present  and  discuss  their  work. Please prepare
posters for the event.

Student Grants
We have a limited number of  grants available to PhD students who wish
to  attend ARW 2009.  To indicate  your interest  please send  a short
email to  the  workshop organisers (U.Hustadt at liverpool.ac.uk) anytime
before 10th April 2009.

Important Dates
Abstract submission:                         31st March 2009
Notification of acceptance/rejection:         3rd April 2009
Final version due:                           10th April 2009
Workshop:                             21st - 22nd April 2009

Invited Speakers
To be announced shortly.

Program Committee
Clare Dixon        (University of Liverpool)
Jacques Fleuriot   (University of Edinburgh)
Alexander Bolotov  (University of Westminster)
Simon Colton       (Imperial College London)
David Crocker      (Escher Technologies)
Louise Dennis      (University of Liverpool)
Roy Dyckhoff       (University of St Andrews)
Ullrich Hustadt    (University of Liverpool)
Mateja Jamnik      (Univerity of Cambridge)
Tom Melham         (University of Oxford)
Alice Miller       (University of Glasgow)
Renate A. Schmidt  (University of Manchester)
Volker Sorge       (University of Birmingham) 

Conference Venue
The workshop will take place at the University of Liverpool on
21st and 22nd April 2009.  

Please email Ullrich Hustadt (U.Hustadt at liverpool.ac.uk)
if you have any queries about the 2009 Automated Reasoning Workshop.

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