[Om-announce] Announce of Intergeo Ontology, Platform, and Metadata

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Fri Jan 29 16:17:03 CET 2010

Announce : Intergeo platform, GeoSkills ontology, LOM schema
… sharing pedagogical mathematical resources throughout Europe.
The Intergeo European Project (http://inter2geo.eu/) is pleased to  
announce a progress milestone of the Intergeo platform together with  
GeoSkills ontology and a LOM export.

The platform now features a few luxury facilities that support sharing  
open-content learning material and interactive geometry:
contribute and search for interactive geometry related resources  
accross the languages and curriculum standards of Europe (based on the  
GeoSkills and structured by the i2geo metadata)
display of interactive geometry constructions out of the box (for 8  
revised information edition tools which are simpler and faster
display of the history of a resource
ranking of search results by review results and by weight of reviews

The GeoSkills ontology is an effort at encoding the competencies,  
topics, and educational levels of the mathematics curriculum standards  
throughout Europe. Its main purpose is to be the language of  
annotation and query of the resources of i2geo, the intergeo platform.  
It is the main ingredient of its cross-curriculum search.
It provides means to:
give an OWL-DL mathematical semantics to competencies and topics, that  
can be used by a reasoner like Pellet.
provide various denominations for these competencies and topics,  
enabling localisation and levels of denomination
edit competencies and topics online, thanks to CompEd competency  
editor (Apache Public License and creative commons attributions  
sharealike) for curriculum encoders and teachers
semantically annotate i2geo resources on the intergeo platform with  
GeoSkills nodes
GeoSkills is distributed open-source and open-content, more info is at http://i2geo.net/xwiki/bin/view/About/GeoSkills 
GeoSkills is operationalized as an annotation and search language for  
the platform; it can be accessed by search or by browsing concrete  
curriculum-standards and clicking on relevant parts. Geoskills is used  
as the topic and educational level fields of the Intergeo metadata  

The i2geo metadata schema was developed by the Intergeo consortium for  
use by various Dynamic Geometry Software. Specifically, it will be  
used on the platform.
The i2geo metadata schema is a LOM application profile. As such, it is  
(partially) compatible with other metadata schemas of this type. The  
metadata consists not only of standard bibliographic information, but  
also contains pedagogical information relevant for users such as  
teachers that want to find resources appropriate for their classes. An  
average rating by other users of a resource can give an extra  
indication of quality. And detailed Competencies & Topics in geometry  
information, which is based on an ontology.
More info about its schema and how it can be exploited is at http://i2geo.net/xwiki/bin/view/About/I2GMetadata 

Intergeo is a project co-funded by the EU and has been running a  
platform since 2007.
I2Geo currently displays:
1829 interactive geometry resources. These resources each have their  
LOM record and their annotations.
653 members
15 groups
The GeoSkills ontology is currently composed of
596 classes
44 properties
705 axioms
2572 individuals mainly representing specific mathematical competencies
… and comes with curriculum standards for Spain, parts of France, the  
Netherlands, and for the Czech Republic
The quality team of our project has been exploring best-practices for  
sharing interactive geometry on the web and provided recommendations  
for sustainable sharing practices. Our aim is not only to end up with  
resources that are easy to play but also easy to be re-used and  
improved to suit one's own objectives.
You can contribute to our effort by discussing about the platform and  
resources, providing resources, reviewing existing ones, enhancing the  
Geoskills ontology with translations or new curriculum or competencies.
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