[Om-announce] SoSyM Newsletter

bernhard.rumpe at sosym.org bernhard.rumpe at sosym.org
Wed Mar 24 10:12:27 CET 2010

The International Journal on

     Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM)

published by Springer

was founded almost 10 years ago.
You might consider it for publishing your results or
getting new insights in modeling software-intensive systems.

Here is a small extract of the list of authors
of regular papers, expert voices, and special issues:
     -  Jean Bezivin
     -  Grady Booch
     -  David Harel
     -  Michael Jackson
     -  Ivar Jacobson

(Some of the articels are available for free, please
visit the Springer website)

Some facts for readers and authors:
     - published since 2002
     - 130-140 pages/issue
     - 4 issues per year
     - prior to the printed version, the publication
       can online be cited immediately
     - high number of online downloads
     - published papers: 149
     - number of authors of published papers: 414

Current Editors:
Perry Alexander      Sebastien Gerard         Robyn Lutz
Egidio Astesiano     Martin Glinz             Tom Maibaum
Joanne Atlee         Martin Gogolla           Ana Moreira
Franck Barbier       Hassan Gomaa             Pierre-Alain Muller
Jean Bezivin         Jeff Gray                Jeff Offutt
Jim Bieman           Alan Hartman             Richard Paige
Gordon Blair         Oystein Haugen           Dorina Petriu
Grady Booch          Constance Heitmeyer      Alexander Pretschner
Lionel Briand        Brian Henderson-Sellers  Wolfgang Reisig
Manfred Broy         Heinrich Hussmann        Bernhard Schätz
Jean-Michel Bruel    Michael Jackson          Andy Schürr
Alessandra Cavarra   Jean-Marc Jezequel       Bran Selic
Marsha Chechik       Gabor Karsai             Perdita Stevens
Betty Cheng          Ingolf Krüger            Ketil Stølen
Krzysztof Czarnecki  Thomas Kühne             Antonio Vallecillo
Jürgen Dingel        Kevin Lano               Jon Whittle
Heiko Dörr           Gary Leavens             Roel Wieringa
Gregor Engels

Assistant Editors:
Geri Georg
Martin Schindler

Interested in more info, a reading sample or submitting a paper:
Please have a look at:


We also provide a moderated mailing list for information about
new articles etc. (around 8 mails/year):


All the best,

Robert France,                      Bernhard Rumpe
Colorado State University           Software Engineering
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA         RWTH Aachen University, Germany


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