[Om-announce] [simu-conf] SummerSim'11 Call for WIP Papers

vsim-conf at sce.carleton.ca vsim-conf at sce.carleton.ca
Sat Apr 2 00:29:26 CEST 2011



June 27 – 30, 2011, World Forum, The Hague, Netherlands 

The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum to discuss recent advances 
in various aspects and applications of M&S, which are addressed by focus areas 
of each of the conference within this multi-conference. 

The multiconference bridges various areas of modeling and simulation ranging 
from theory, methodology, and applications to verification and analysis, and the 
challenges involved in the process into a single exciting venue for the interchange 
of ideas and scientific discussion and education.

Please submit the advanced but not fully developed results of your research for 
review by the technical program members of each conference using the following URLs:

SCSC: http://www.softconf.com/scs/SCSC11/ 
SPECTS: http://www.softconf.com/scs/SPECTS11/ 
GCMS: http://www.softconf.com/scs/GCMS11/ 

The length of the Work-in-Progress papers is up to 6 pages in final conference format. 
All the papers of this conference will be included in the conference proceedings and 
the presented papers will be archived in the ACM Digital Library for the SCSC and GCMS 
papers or in IEEE Xplore for the SPECTS papers. 

Important Dates 
Paper Submission: April 22 2011 
Notification: May 13 2011 
Camera-Ready Paper: May 27 2011 

SummerSim 2011 Organizing Committee 
General Chair: Hamid Vakilzadian, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA 
General Vice Chair: Francesco Longo, University of Calabria, Italy 

SPECTS General Chair: Jose Sevillano, University of Seville, Spain 
SCSC General Chair: Peter Kropf, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland 
GCMS General Chair: Roy Crosbie, Californian State University Chico, USA 

Poster Track Chair: Abdolreza Abhari, Ryerson University, Canada 

Sponsored by
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, SCS
in cooperation with ACM/SIGSIM for SCSC and GCMS

Technical Co-Sponsorship with IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) and 

[any issues: contact vsim-conf-owner at sce.carleton.ca]
[Apologies for multiple postings]

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