[Om-announce] Second CFP: ACM TODAES Special Issue on Verification Challenges with Multicore Systems

Sandip Ray sandip at cs.utexas.edu
Thu Apr 21 03:33:05 CEST 2011

[ Apologies if you get more than one copy of this call for papers.
  Please share it with students and colleagues who may be interested. ]


ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems 

Special Issue on Verification Issues and Challenges with Multicore Systems

Submission Deadline: April 29, 2011 (in nine days!)


With sequential processing hitting various performance limits,
multicore architectures are being increasingly adopted to answer the
growing demands of efficiency of modern applications.  The trend is
expected to continue. Systems built on multicore architectures provide
unique challenges and opportunities for verification research. On the
one hand, parallelism and added complexity induced by the increased
cores makes the verification of multicore systems an extremely
challenging enterprise.  On the other hand, the high computing power
of these systems can be exploited to provide efficient and robust
verification solutions.  With continuing proliferation of multicore
systems, verification challenges induced by these systems will play an
increasingly crucial role in the development of trustworthy computing
systems.  The verification community has made significant strides in
recent years, both in answering the verification challenges induced by
the concurrency, and in making effective use of the concurrency to do
so.  However, there is still a significant gap between the
accomplishments and needs in the area. Furthermore, the area is
daunting to a new researcher contemplating to initiate work in this
area.  One key problem is the lack of a unified and coherent
literature that can provide a comprehensive ``lay of the land'',
capturing the current state of the research and helping us understand
the gap between the accomplishments and research needs.

ACM Transaction on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (ACM
TODAES) will publish a special issue on Verification Issues and
Challenges in Multicore Computing, with the goal to rectify the above
and disseminate developments and research results in the area.  We
invite submissions describing novel work both on (1) verification
challenges induced by multicore systems, and (2) the use of multicore
and concurrent systems in addressing verification challenges.  Topics
of interest to the special issue include, but are not limited to, the

- Verification methods (dynamic and formal) for thread programs,
- Verification of MPI programs
- Methods for formalizing and reasoning about weak memory consistency models
- Verification of cache coherence and memory ordering protocols in multicore systems
- Effective use of concurrency in simulation, symbolic simulation and model checking


Submissions should be written in general terms understandable by the
usual audience of the journal.  The work must not have been published
before; substantial extension of preliminary conference papers is
permitted, but the corresponding conference papers must be cited along
with a discussion on the nature of extension and novel contributions
in the current submission.  Concurrent submission to any other
conference or journal is a ground for rejection of a paper without
review.  All papers will be fully refereed to the usual journal
standards.  Since a key objective of the special issue is to provide a
comprehensive reference for the different research challenges and
progress made in the area, a detailed discussion of related research
is expected.

Submissions should be formatted according to TODAES author guidelines
available at: http://todaes.acm.org/author.html#ManuscriptPreparation


Paper Submission           April 29, 2011
Notification                     July 20, 2011
Camera-ready version     September 10, 2011


Submission must be made through the ACM Manuscript Central
(http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/todaes) and must contain the
following information:

1. Title of the paper
2. Names and affiliations of the authors
3. An abstract not exceeding 300 words
4. A list of at most five keywords (optional)
5. A pdf version of the full paper


Please send any questions or enquiries to todaes.multicore at gmail.com


Massoud Pedram 

Guest Editors:
Sandip Ray (UT Austin)
Jayanta Bhadra (Freescale)
Magdy S. Abadir (Freescale)
Li-C Wang (UC Santa Barbara)

Regular Editor:
Aarti Gupta (NEC Labs)

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