[Om-announce] [fm-announcements] VVPS 2011 - deadline extension for all ICAPS workshops

Havelund, Klaus (317J) Klaus.Havelund at jpl.nasa.gov
Sat Feb 5 22:25:01 CET 2011

                    ** CALL FOR PAPERS **

                             March 18

                     3rd ICAPS Workshop on
                Verification and Validation for
             Planning and Scheduling Systems


             Freiburg, Germany, June 13, 2011

 Topic and Objectives:

 Planning and scheduling (P&S) systems are finding increased
 application in safety- and mission-critical systems that require a high level of
 assurance. However, tools and methodologies for verification and validation
 (V&V) of P&S systems have received relatively little attention. Therefore,
 important goals of the workshop are (i) to encourage the ongoing interaction
 between V&V and P&S communities, (ii) to identify innovative tools
 and methodologies (iii) and to elicit open issues and real challenges.

 The workshop also aims to enhance a stable, long-term establishment
 of a forum on relevant topics connected to the influence between V&V and
 P&S. The workshop series began in 2005 with the first edition of the
 workshop (http://planning.cis.strath.ac.uk/vvpsws/) during ICAPS '05 and
 continued in 2009 with the second edition (http://www-vvps09.imag.fr/) during ICAPS
 '09. These workshops presented a stimulating environment where researchers
 could discuss about the opportunities and challenges in integrating V&V and

 Topics of interest include: V&V of domain models, using technologies
 such as static analysis, theorem proving, and model checking; consistency and
 completeness of domain models; domain model coverage metrics; regression,
 stress and boundary testing; runtime verification of plan executions; generation
 of robust plans; compositional verification of domain models; how to structure domain
 models which are more amenable to static analysis; inspection methods; the
 relationship between timed automata and domain models; investigations of the impact
 wrt. V&V of procedural versus declarative plan models; application of P&S
 techniques to V&V; Planning as model checking; etc.

 Important Dates:

 Paper submission: March 18, 2011 (*** extended ***)
 Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 15, 2011
 Final version due: TBA
 Workshop Date: June 13, 2011


 There are two types of submissions: short position statements and regular papers.
 Position papers are a maximum of 2 (two) pages. Regular papers are a maximum of 10 (ten)
 pages. Papers should be submitted via the VVPS EasyChair website:


 All papers should be typeset in the AAAI style, described at:


 Accepted papers will be published on the workshop website and printed as a hard-copy.

 A selection of the accepted papers will be published in a special issue of the
 International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer:

 Any additional questions can be directed towards the general workshop
 contact email: vvps11 at easychair.org

 Organization Chairs:

 Saddek Bensalem,
 VERIMAG, France
 saddek.bensalem at imag.fr

 Klaus Havelund,
 klaus.havelund at jpl.nasa.gov

 Andrea Orlandini
 ITIA-CNR, Italy
 andrea.orlandini at itia.cnr.it

 Programme Committee:

 Howard Barringer (University of Manchester, UK)
 Andreas Bauer (NICTA, Australia)
 Saddek Bensalem (Verimag/UJF, France) (Co-Chair)
 Amedeo Cesta (ISTC-CNR, Rome, Italy)
 Alessandro Cimatti (FBK, Trento, Italy)
 Alexandre David (Aalborg University, Denmark)
 Giuseppe Della Penna (University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy)
 Lucas Dixon (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK)
 Bernd Finkbeiner (Saarland University, Germany)
 Alberto Finzi (University of Naples, Naples, Italy)
 Maria Fox (University of Strathclyde, UK)
 Dimitra Giannakopoulou (NASA Ames Research Center, USA)
 Enrico Giunchiglia (University of Genova, Italy)
 Alex Groce (Oregon State University, USA)
 Klaus Havelund (JPL, USA) (Co-Chair)
 Gerard Holzmann (JPL, USA)
 Felix Ingrand (LAAS-CNRS, France)
 Hadas Kress-Gazit (Cornell University, USA)
 Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
 Martin Leucker Technische Universität München, Germany)
 Lee McCluskey (University of Huddersfield, UK)
 David Musliner (SIFT, USA)
 Andrea Orlandini (ITIA-CNR, Milan, Italy) (Co-Chair)
 Corina Pasareanu (NASA Ames Research Center, USA)
 Charles Pecheur (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
 Paul Pettersson (Malardalen University, Sweden)
 Douglas Smith (Kestrel Institute, USA)
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