[Om-announce] [simu-conf] SpringSim 2011- Extended deadline

vsim-conf at sce.carleton.ca vsim-conf at sce.carleton.ca
Thu Jan 13 16:46:34 CET 2011

	We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this call for papers.

			  		Call for Papers
		2011 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim '11)

			         April 4-7, 2011
	   		         Boston, MA, USA

Sponsored by the Society for Modeling and Simulation (SCS) and in
cooperation with ACM/SIGSIM
(Proceedings will appear in the ACM Digital Library)

The 2011 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim'11) is an annual
conference which covers
state-of-the-art developments in computer simulation technologies, as well
as scientific, 
industrial, and business applications. The conference includes keynote
speeches presented by
science and industry leaders, technical sessions, professional development
courses and
seminars, as well as vendor exhibits. Furthermore, the 2011 conference will
be co-located with 
the SISO Spring Interoperability Workshop.

Original contributions in all areas of modeling and simulation are welcome.
This year's 
multiconference will consist of the following symposia:

* Agent Directed Simulation Symposium  (ADS) (Deadline: February 1, 2011)
* 44th Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS) (Deadline: February 1, 2011)
* 14th Communications and Networking Symposium (CNS) (Deadline: February 1,
* Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (DEVS) (Deadline: December
6, 2010)
* Emerging M&S Applications in Industry and Academia Symposium (EAIA)
(Deadline: February 1, 2011)
* 19th High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC) (Deadline: February 1,
* Military Modeling and Simulation Symposium (MMS) (Deadline: February 1,
* Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD)
(Deadline: December 6, 2010)
* Poster Sessions and Works in Progress (Deadline: February 15, 2011)

Please see the conference website (http://www.scs.org/springsim/2011) for
complete details.

Author Guidelines:

  Papers should be formatted according to SCS Conference and Workshop
formatting guidelines
  (available at http://www.scs.org/PDFs/formattingkit.pdf).

All submissions will be fully refereed for accuracy, technical content, and
relevance. Papers should be
formatted in accordance with SCS formatting guidelines. Accepted papers will
appear in the SpringSim 
2011 Conference Proceedings and the ACM Digital Library. Authors of top
papers will also be encouraged 
to submit a follow-on paper for publication in Transactions of the Society 
for Modeling and Simulation.

General Chair
Dr. Eric Imsand, Auburn University
imsand at auburn.edu

Vice-General Chair
Dr. Hala ElAarag, Stetson University
helaarag at stetson.edu

Exhibits Chair
Ms. DJ Weed, Executive Director, SCS
(858) 277-3911, djweed at scs.org

For further information please contact the SpringSim General Chair, Eric
Imsand (imsand at auburn.edu)
or visit the conference website at http://www.scs.org/springsim/2011  

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