Carlos Areces carlos.areces at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 01:11:31 CEST 2011

North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information 2012

June 18-22, University of Texas at Austin


The fifth NASSLLI (after previous editions at Stanford University,
Indiana University and UCLA) will be hosted at the University of Texas
at Austin, on June 18 - 22, 2012. The summer school, loosely modeled
on the long- running ESSLLI series in Europe, will consist of a number
of courses and workshops, selected on the basis of the proposals. By
default, courses and workshops meet for 90 minutes on each of five

Proposals are invited that present interdisciplinary work between the
areas of logic, linguistics, computer science, cognitive science,
philosophy and artificial intelligence, though work in just one area
is within the scope of the summer school if it can be applied in other
fields. Examples of possible topics would include e.g. logics for
communication, computational semantics, game theory (for logic,
language and/or computation), dynamic semantics, modal logics, linear
logic, machine learning techniques, statistical language models, and
automated theorem proving. We encourage potential course or workshop
contributors to check out previous programs at:

* http://www.linguistics.ucla.edu/nasslli04/program.html
* http://www.stanford.edu/group/nasslli/
* http://www.indiana.edu/~nasslli/2003/program.html
* http://www.indiana.edu/~nasslli/

Courses and workshops should aim to be accessible to an
interdisciplinary, graduate level audience. Courses may certainly
focus on a single area, but lecturers should then include introductory
background, try to avoid specialized notation that cannot be applied
more widely, and spend time on the question of how the topic is
relevant to other fields. A workshop can be more accessible if its
program is bracketed by broader-audience talks that introduce and
summarize the week's presentations.

Associated Workshops/Conferences: In addition to courses and workshops
taking place during the main NASSLLI five day session, NASSLLI
welcomes proposals for 1-3 day workshops or conferences hosted on
campus immediately before or after the summer school, thus on the
weekends of June 15-17 and June 23-25 2012. Previous such associated
meetings have included the Dynamic Epistemic Logic Workshop, the
Mathematics of Language conference, and the Theoretical Aspects of
Reasoning About Knowledge (TARK) conference.

Submission Details:

Submissions should be submitted using EasyChair
(http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nasslli2012), and should

1) person(s) in charge of the course/workshop and affiliation(s)
2) type of event (one week course or workshop, 2 hours a day)
3) an outline of the course/workshop up to 500 words
4) Special equipment (if any) needed to teach the course (beamer, computer ...)
5) a statement about the instructor's experience in teaching in
interdisciplinary settings
6) expected costs (whether you want to be paid hotel and/or travel,
and descriptions of funding in hand or for which you will apply)

Financial Details:

A course may be taught by one or two persons. Conference fees are
waived for all instructors. However, we are only able to pay for the
full travel and expenses of one instructor per course. If two persons
are lecturing, they may share a lump sum paid for both. We must also
stress that while proposals from all over the world are welcomed, the
Summer School can in general guarantee only to reimburse travel costs
for travel from destinations within North America to Texas, although
exceptions can be made depending on the financial situation.
Furthermore, we encourage all lecturers to fund their own travel if
this is feasible, since this will allow us to use our available
funding for student scholarships.

Workshops are more complicated financially than courses, and a
proposal for a workshop should include a plan to obtain some outside
funding for the speakers.

Notifications of Interest:

To give us an idea about the number of submissions, we request and
early notificaton of intention to submit a proposal. This will not
commit you to actually submit a proposal and those failing to submit
an early notification will still be able to submitting a full
proposal, by the deadline.  This information will be used only for
organizational issues.


June 19 on, 2011 - unofficial notifications of intention to submit;
July 31, 2011 - Deadline for submissions;
August 31, 2011 - Course/workshop proposers notified of p.c. decisions;
May 15, 2012 - Material for courses available for printing;

(Preliminary) Program Committee:

Carlos Areces (co-chair), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
David Beaver, University of Texas, Austin
Valeria de Paiva (co-chair), Rearden Commerce, Inc.
Angelika Kratzer, University of Massachusetts
Lawrence S. Moss  Indiana University
Eric Pacuit, Maryland University
Chris Potts, Stanford University

Standing NASSLLI Steering Committee:
David Beaver,  University of Texas, Austin
Phokion Kolaitis,  UC Santa Cruz and IBM Almaden Research Center
Lawrence S. Moss,  Indiana University
Valeria de Paiva , Rearden Commerce, Inc.
Stuart Shieber,  Harvard University
Moshe Vardi,  Rice University

Inquiries: General inquiries regarding NASSLLI 2012, notifications of
interest in course or workshop proposal submission, and final
submissions of proposals should be directed to the co-chairs at
carlos.areces AT gmail.com and valeria.depaiva AT gmail.com.

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