[Om-announce] TOOLS'11 in Zurich: Call for Participation

H.-Christian Estler christian.estler at inf.ethz.ch
Thu Jun 9 18:25:43 CEST 2011


    TOOLS 2011 Federated Conferences
    Zurich, Switzerland, 27 June-1 July 2011

     The TOOLS series of conferences focus on state-of-the-art
     approaches to Software Development. This will be the fourth
     year that TOOLS happens as a federated event, bringing
     together four major annual conferences: TOOLS Europe 2011,
     ICMT 2011 (Model Transformations), SC 2011 (Software
     Composition) and TAP 2011 (Test and Proofs).

     The 2011 edition also counts on 8 satellite Workshops that
     will be held in conjunction with the main conferences, making
     TOOLS the premier forum for academic and industrial researches
     working on areas related to modern Software Development.

     We hereby invite you to participate in the TOOLS 2011 conferences
     in Zurich, where most major players and researchers on object,
     component and model technologies will meet.

     Online registration is opened on the conference web site:


    The deadline for registration is June 17th.

INVITED SPEAKERS, http://tools.ethz.ch/tools2011/invited_speakers.htm

    * Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Bern, Switzerland
    * Frank Tip, IBM Research, USA
    * Alexander Egyed, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
    * Patrice Godefroid, Microsoft Research
    * Marie-Claude Gaudel, Université de Paris-Sud, France
    * Klaus Ostermann, Philipps University of Marburg, Germany


     A solid and innovative technical program has been prepared
     with some joint sessions between the four conferences.
     Check it out at http://tools.ethz.ch/tools2011/program.htm

     TOOLS 2011 takes place at ETH Zurich which is located in
     the heart of Zurich, Switzerland's largest city. Travel
     and accommodation information is available at

ASSOCIATED WORKSHOPS, http://tools.ethz.ch/tools2011/workshops.htm

    * AMMSE: Algebraic Methods in Model-Based Software Engineering
    * DYLA: Fifth Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications
    * IWMCP: International Workshop on Model Comparison in Practice
    * MtATL: 3rd International Workshop on Model Transformations with ATL
    * NETC: Eiffel technology and community: the next generation
    * OCL: International Workshop on OCL and Textual Modelling
    * RAM-SE: 8th Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software
    * TTC: Transformation Tool Contest

Enquiries should be addressed to se-tools at lists.inf.ethz.ch

We look forward to seeing you in Zurich!

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