[Om-announce] Call for Participation: COORDINATION 2012

coordination2012 at publicizing.org coordination2012 at publicizing.org
Wed Apr 18 16:05:48 CEST 2012

[We apologize for multiple copies]


                      Call for Participation

                         COORDINATION 2012

                  14th International Conference on
                  Coordination Languages and Models


                     part of the federated event
             DisCoTec'12 (Distributed Computing Techniques)


                  Stockholm, Sweden, June 14-15, 2012



As ICT technologies and software-intensive systems are increasingly
embedded into the fabric of everyday life, effective coordination
techniques are needed to enhance our ability to develop software that
is responsive to emerging societal demands and changing application
needs, exploits effectively recent advances in computing and
communication technology, and is capable of adaptive behaviour in the
short and in the long term.

COORDINATION is the premier forum for exposing innovating research
results and relevant experience reports on software technologies for
collaboration and coordination in concurrent, distributed, and
socio-technical systems. Its distinctive feature is the emphasis on
high-level abstractions that capture interaction patterns manifest at
all levels of the software architecture and extending into the realm
of the end-user and social domain.


Invited Speaker

Prof. Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology

Title: Elastic Coordination: Principles, Models, and Algorithms


The Coordination 2012 program is available at:




The early registration deadline of DisCoTec is April 30th.

The registration page is available on the DisCoTec homepage:



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