[Om-announce] ESOCC2012 Call for Participation - 19-21 Sept 2012 Bertinoro, Italy - European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing

Ernesto Pimentel Sánchez ernesto at lcc.uma.es
Sat Aug 18 09:04:03 CEST 2012

ESOCC 2012: European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
19-21 September 2012
Bertinoro, Italy


            * *     CALL FOR PARTICIPATION    * *

Early registration deadline: 18 August 2012

The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier conference on the advances in the state of the art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing. During the past edition of ECOWS (European Conference on Web Services) conference, the Steering Committee decided to renew and broaden its scope, and to start a new conference series on the topics of service-oriented and cloud computing. The first edition of the new series, ESOCC 2012, will be held in Bertinoro from 19th to 21st of September, 2012. The main objectives of this conference are to facilitate the exchange between researchers and practitioners and to foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond. The ESOCC 2012 conference will include invited speakers, presentations of contributed research papers and an industrial track with the participation of top researchers from industry. ESOCC 2012 will also include a PhD symposium and satellite workshops. 

Program Highlights

Keynote speakers:

* Bryan Stephenson, HP Labs, United Kingdom 
* Paolo Traverso, FBK-ICT, Italy 
* John Domingue, Knowledge Media Institute, United Kingdom 

Co-Located Workshops:

  Sixth International Workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software

* Mashups
  6th International Workshop on Web APIs and Services Mashups

  2nd International Workshop on Adaptive Services for the Future Internet 


Smart Work Roadmap Workshop for Business & IT: Cloud powered by Smart Work
* Peter Utzinger, IBM
* Dr. Hans-Peter Hoidn, IBM

PhD Symposium

Preliminary Programme:



ESOCC 2012 events are held in the University Residential Center located in the small medieval hilltop town of Bertinoro. This town is in Emilia Romagna about 50km east of Bologna at an elevation of 230m above sea level.  Bertinoro is easily reached by train and taxi from Bologna and is close to many splendid Italian locations such as Ravenna, Rimini on the Adriatic coast, and the Republic of San Marino (all within 35km) as well as some less well-known locations like the thermal springs of Fratta Terme, the Pieve di San Donato in Polenta and the castle and monastic gardens of Monte Maggio.  Bertinoro can also be a base for visiting some of the better-known Italian locations such as Padua, Ferrara, Vicenza, Venice, Florence and Siena.

Bertinoro itself is picturesque, with many narrow streets and walkways winding around the central peak.  Meetings are held in an archiepiscopal castle that has been converted by the University of Bologna into a modern conference center with computing facilities and Internet access.  From the castle you can enjoy a beautiful vista that stretches from the Tuscan Apennines to the Adriatic coast and the Alps over the Po Valley. 

Important Dates
Advance Program
* Workshops:         19 September 2012
* Tutorial:          20 September 2012
* Research Track: 20-21 September 2012
* Industry Track: 20-21 September 2012
* PhD Symposium:     19 September 2012

Registration deadlines
* Early registration by:   18 August 2012


Students benefit from reduced registration fees.

General Chair:

   Gianluigi Zavattaro, University of Bologna, Italy 

Program Chairs:

   Ernesto Pimentel, University of Malaga, Spain
   Flavio de Paoli, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy 

Industry Track Chairs:

   Thomas Gschwind, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland
   Sergio Gusmeroli, TXT e-Solutions, Italy 

Workshop Chairs:

   Ivan Lanese, University of Bologna, Italy
   Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland 

Ph.D. Symposium Chair:

   Wolf Zimmermann, University of Halle, Germany 

ESOCC 2012 Program Committee:

   Marco Aiello, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
   Farhad Arbab, CWI, The Netherlands
   Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
   Sami Bhiri, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
   Mario Bravetti, University of Bologna, Italy
   Antonio Brogi, University of Pisa, Italy
   Christoph Bussler, Xtime, Inc., USA
   Manuel Carro, IMDEA Software, Spain
   Siobhan Clarke, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
   Juergen Dunkel, FH Hannover, Germany
   Schahram Dustdar, TU Wien, Austria
   Rik Eshuis, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
   David Eyers, University of Otago, New Zealand
   Christopher Giblin, IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland
   Claude Godart, Universiy of Lorraine, France
   Paul Grefen, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
   Reiko Heckel, University of Leicester, UK
   Martin Henkel, Stockholm University, Sweden
   Dionisis Kehagias, CERTH-ITI, Greece
   Birgitta Koenig-Ries, Universitaet Jena, Germany
   Ernoe Kovacs, NEC Europe Network Labs, Germany
   Akhil Kumar, Pennsylvania State University, USA
   Peep Kungas, University of Tartu, Estonia
   Frederic Lang, INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes, France
   Frank Leymann, University Stuttgart, Germany
   Welf Loewe, Linnaeus University, Sweden
   Ingo Melzer, DaimlerChrysler Research, Germany
   Roy Oberhauser, Aalen University, Germany
   Claus Pahl, Dublin City University, Ireland
   George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
   Christophe Ponsard, CETIC, Belgium
   Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Germany
   Wolfgang Reisig, Humbold-Universitaet Berlin, Germany
   Ulf Schreier, Univ. of Applied Sciences Furtwangen, Germany
   Marten van Sinderen, University of Twente, the Netherlands
   Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
   Erik Wilde, UC Berkeley, USA
   Umit Yalcinalp, Adobe Systems, USA
   Olaf Zimmermann, ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland
   Wolf Zimmermann, University Halle, Germany 

ESOCC Steering Committee:

   Antonio Brogi, University of Pisa, Italy
   Schahram Dustdar, TU Wien, Austria
   Rik Eshuis, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
   Paul Grefen, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
   George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
   Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland
   Ulf Schreier, Hochschule Furtwangen University, Germany
   Olaf Zimmermann, ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland
   Wolf Zimmermann, University of Halle, Germany 

ESOCC Organizing Committee:

   Mario Bravetti
   Ornela Dardha
   Ivan Lanese
   Jacopo Mauro
   Gianluigi Zavattaro 

Conference Website: http://esocc2012.cs.unibo.it

Local organization: esocc12organizers at cs.unibo.it
Program committee chairs: esocc12pcchairs at cs.unibo.it
Industry track chairs: esocc12industrychairs at cs.unibo.it
Workshop chairs: esocc12workshopchairs at cs.unibo.it 


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