[Om-announce] Deadline Approaching: Annals of Telecommunications, Special Issue on Privacy-aware electronic society

sara.foresti at unimi.it sara.foresti at unimi.it
Wed Oct 10 16:12:45 CEST 2012

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

** deadline approaching!! **
** deadline for paper submission: October 31st, 2012 **


Annals of Telecommunications: 
Special Issue on: Privacy-aware electronic society

Our electronic society is making fast progress for offering users greater
omfort in their daily activities. Users can benefit from fast access to
services, better reactivity of their physical, computing and 
networking environments to their own needs and habits, and preselection of 
information flows and relationships they have interest in. Our digital society 
is eager to collect information for serving users as best as possible, but 
also to make profits by potentially selling the collected information. 
Profiling users is one usual marketing activity, but new lucrative 
applications based on the huge amount of available information are emerging, 
with total disregard to the privacy of the users.

There are a number of sources for collecting information like social networks, 
cloud computing, electronic transactions, RFID/NFC systems, biometrical 
applications... For users to keep confidence in computing systems and 
communication networks, and for making their basic privacy rights observed, 
there is a strong need to identify a framework covering the legal, economical, 
ethical, social and technical disciplines. Regulation is essential for 
authorities to approve that framework and give support for worldwide 
observability. Economy is also a key issue for users and providers negotiating 
the delivery of personal information vs the provision of a service at an 
acceptable price. Ethical and social aspects are also important, at least to 
identify how confidence can be best provided back to users. Finally, methods 
are fundamental for enforcing this framework through privacy-by-design, and 
in-depth knowledge of privacy threats.

Given the recent events reported by the media, the growing requirements of 
users for privacy, and the lack of privacy-aware framework, Annals of 
Telecommunications is organizing a Special Issue on these topics. The 
objectives of this Special Issue are twofold: first, research and 
implementation experiences, and experiments; second, novel research 
contributions addressing privacy issues under the technical viewpoint and one 
among the legal, economical, ethical or social viewpoint.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Economics of privacy;
- Human factors in privacy;
- Legal and ethical issues;
- Privacy by design;
- Privacy enhancing technologies;
- Privacy in networks, and services;
- Privacy in smart grids, and cloud computing;
- Privacy in social applications and networks;
- Privacy models;
- Privacy threats.

Guest Editors:
- Maryline Laurent, Telecom SudParis, France 
  (Maryline . Laurent at telecom-sudparis . eu)
- Sara Foresti, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
- Heng Xu, Pennsylvania State University, USA

The manuscript must be in English and comprise between 5,000 and 8,500 words 
(30,000 to 50,000 characters including spaces). They must describe original 
research not published or currently under review by other journals or 
conferences. Submissions should be sent according to the editorial procedure 
described in the instructions available at:

- Manuscript submission: October 31st, 2012
- Expected publication: September-December 2013

CFP available at:

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