[Om-announce] Call for Participation FMICS 2013

mdierkes at rockwellcollins.com mdierkes at rockwellcollins.com
Fri Aug 30 15:41:53 CEST 2013

                       Call for Participation

                             FMICS 2013

                   18th International Workshop on
           Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems

                       September 23-24, 2013
                           Madrid (Spain)
                     Co-located with SEFM 2013


Invited Talks
* Alessandro Fantechi (Università degli Studi di Firenze):
  Twenty-Five Years of Formal Methods and Railways: What Next?

* Benjamin Monate (TrustInSoft):
  TrustInSoft: Industrial Formal Methods to Protect Security-Sensitive 


The  aim of  the  FMICS workshop  series  is to  provide  a forum  for
researchers who  are interested in the development  and application of
formal  methods  in industry.  In  particular,  FMICS brings  together
scientists and engineers who are  active in the area of formal methods
and interested in exchanging their experiences in the industrial usage
of these  methods. The FMICS  workshop series also strives  to promote
research  and development for  the improvement  of formal  methods and
tools for industrial applications.


HyRev:  A tool for the  automatic generation of real-time routines for
enabling  fail-safe  control  in a class   of safety-critical embedded
systems using backwards reachability analysis
-- Hallstein Asheim Hansen

Formal Reliability Analysis of Protective Relays in Power Distribution 
-- Adil Khurram, Haider Ali, Arham Tariq and Osman Hasan

Formal  Methods for the Analysis of   Critical Control Systems Models:
Combining Non-Linear and Linear Analyses
-- Adrien Champion, Rémi Delmas, Michael Dierkes, Pierre-Loic Garoche,
Romain Jobredeaux and Pierre Roux

Complex Digital System Design: a  methodology  and its application  to
medical implants
-- Helene Leroux, Karen Godary-Dejean and David Andreu

On the Effectiveness of  Assertion-Based Verification in an Industrial
-- Laurence Pierre,    Fabrice Pancher, Rodolphe  Suescun  and  Jérôme

Predicate Abstraction for Programmable Logic Controllers
-- Sebastian Biallas, Mirco Giacobbe and Stefan Kowalewski

Boolean Quantifier Elimination  for Automotive Configuration  - A Case
-- Christoph Zengler and Wolfgang

Auditing User-Provided Axioms in Software Verification Conditions
-- Paul Jackson, Florian Schanda and Angela Wallenburg

Study on the Barriers to the Industrial Adoption of Formal Methods
-- Jennifer Davis,  Matthew Clark,  Darren Cofer, Aaron Fifarek, Jacob
Hinchman, Jonathan  Hoffman,  Brian Hulbert, Steven  Miller  and Lucas

Manager Guidelines for the Industrial Deployment of Formal Methods
-- Christophe Ponsard, Jean-Christophe Deprez and Renaud De Landtsheer

An  outline workflow  for practical formal  verification from software
requirements to object code
-- Darren Sexton

Formal  Analysis of    the    ACE Specification for    Cache  Coherent
-- Abderahman Kriouile and Wendelin Serwe

Specification   and Verification using    Alloy  of Optimistic  Access
Control for Distributed Collaborative Editors
-- Aurel Randolph, Abdessamad Imine,   Hanifa Boucheneb and  Alejandro

Registration proceeds via the SEFM conference

Michael Dierkes, PhD
Senior Software Engineer
Rockwell Collins France
+33 5 34 61 86 88

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