[Om-announce] Conference LANMR: November 5-7, 2014, Valle de Bravo, Mexico

Guillermo Morales Luna gmorales at cs.cinvestav.mx
Thu Aug 7 20:47:22 CEST 2014

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On behalf of the Organizing Committee I am distributing the following CFP:

                         CALL  FOR  PAPERS
              Ninth Latin American Workshop on Logic/Languages,
    Algorithms and New Methods of Reasoning 2014 (LANMR 2014)

Paper Submission: Deadline EXTENDED: August 25, 2014
Conference Date: November 5-7, 2014, Valle de Bravo, Estado de México, México
Workshop URL: http://sc.uaemex.mx/lanmr/



1) Accepted theoretical computer science papers which fulfill the 
requirements of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 
will be published in an special issue.

2) Accepted non theoretical computer science papers which fulfill the
requirements of Engineering Letters 
will be published in an special issue. 


August 25th, 2014:    Submission of Papers
September 25th, 2014: Notification of acceptance
October 5th, 2014:    Camera Ready
November 5-7th, 2014: Workshop

LANMR 2014 is the ninth installment of the Latin American Workshop series on
Logic/Languages, Algorithms and New Methods of Reasoning. The objective of the
LANMR Workshop is to bring together researchers from academia and industry
worldwide to present recent research results on theory and applications on
Logic, Languages, Algorithms and Reasoning Methods. Researchers, engineers and
experts are invited to submit high quality papers to share and to discuss their
latest research results. LANMR 2014 will provide a forum where participants
could exchange their ideas and experiences through high quality peer reviewed
The Workshop features a three-day program of invited talks by recognized
scientists, oral presentations of technical papers, as well as a Doctoral
Consortium of currently enrolled graduate students. This year the LANMR workshop
will be held from 5th to 7th November, 2014 at ANUIES, Valle de Bravo, State of
Mexico. LANMR 2014 is organized by the Logic and Computation Mexican Group.
The proceedings of LANMR 2014 will be published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings
(CEUR WS.org). The accepted papers will also be considered for publication in
the special issues of the journal Engineering Letters, which will be abstract
indexed by Scopus.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Logic programming and non-monotonic reasoning 
2. Algorithms applied to logic 
3. Answer Set Programming 
4. Knowledge representation 
5. Belief representation 
6. Paraconsistent logics
7. Deduction techniques 
8. Automated reasoning 
9. Non-classical logics 
10. Reasoning about situations and actions 
11. Planning 
12. AI-Artificial Intelligence 
13. Agent and Intelligent Systems 
14. Preferences 
15. Default and abductive reasoning 
16. Well-founded semantics 
17. Cognitive agents 
18. Novel applications in AI.
19. Natural Language Processing
20. Argumentation


Papers should be written in English and formatted according to the Springer LNCS
style (www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0), and not exceed 12
pages including references and figures. Authors should submit their paper via

Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for originality,
significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. In cases of contradictory
 recommendations, a member of the conference program committee would be charged
to make the final decision (accept/reject); often, this would involve seeking
help from additional referees. Papers whose authors include a member of the
conference program committee will be evaluated using the double-blinded review
process. Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted
for publication elsewhere.

Contact and general enquiries: José Raymundo Marcial Romero
(jrmarcialr at gmail.com)
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++END CFP+++++++++++++++++++++++++

Dr. Guillermo Morales-Luna     "Tanto más fatiga el bien deseado
Computer Science                cuanto la esperanza
CINVESTAV-IPN                   está más cerca de poseerlo."
Av. IPN 2508                    
07360 Mexico, D.F.              Don Quijote, I, Cap. XXXIV
Tel: (52)-555-747-3759          gmorales at cs.cinvestav.mx
Fax: (52)-555-747-7002          http://delta.cs.cinvestav.mx/~gmorales
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