[Om-announce] CFP: IEEE WCM SI on QoE and QoP Provisions in Emerging Mobile Networks (IF= 6.524)

Haojin Zhu zhuhaojin80 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 11:46:02 CEST 2014

IEEE WCM CFP: SI on QoE and QoP Provisions  in Emerging Mobile Networks


Special Issue on
Quality-of-Experience (QoE) and Quality-of-Protection (QoP) Provisions
in Emerging Mobile Networks

Mobile networks have gained tremendous momentum in recent years due to both
the wide proliferation of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets as
well as the ubiquitous availability of network services. Mobile networks
allow the mobile users to discover the new friends, and share their
pictures, videos and other information among their common interest friends,
which have been witnessed by the super popularity of representative smart
phone applications.
Although the recent years have seen major and remarkable developments in
the field of mobile networking technologies, Quality-of-Experience (QoE)
and Quality-of-Protection (QoP) issues in mobile networks have attracted
less attention so far. QoE is a new concept related to but differs from
Quality-of-Service (QoS) perception. It combines user perception,
experience, and expectations with non-technical and technical parameters
such as application- and network-level QoS. In other words, QoE is a
subjective measure of a customer's experiences with a service focusing on
the entire service experience, and is a more holistic evaluation. Further,
security and privacy are essential for services provisions in emerging
mobile networks and Quality-of-Protection (QoP) is an important concept for
measuring the security benefits provided by the security approaches
including: authentication, confidentiality, availability as well as the
privacy guarantees. The challenge of achieving QoP in emerging mobile
networks is that it will incur extra security overheads (e.g., processing
time, bandwidth and energy consumption), which will inevitably affect the
users’ experience. Therefore, QoE and QoP are closely coupled concepts,
which are expected to describe the tradeoff of service utility and the
security in emerging mobile networks. To ensure the QoE and QoP guaranteed
services delivery in emerging mobile networks, there is a critical need for
research into new designs and implementations that can make mobile networks
more reliable and secure from a system point of view.


The goal of this special issue is to seek original articles examining the
state of the art, open challenging research issues, new research results
and solutions in QoE and QoP issues in emerging mobile networks. All
submissions should contain substantial tutorial contents and be accessible
to a general audience of researchers and practitioners. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:

QoE aware resource allocation in mobile networks
QoE management and control framework for mobile networks
QoE and QoP assessment methods in mobile networks
Energy-aware QoE control in resource-constrained mobile networks
Subjective QoE testing of mobile social networking services
General security architecture for mobile networks
Design and analysis of secure routing in multi-hop mobile networks
Privacy preservation in mobile networks
Attack modeling, prevention, mitigation, and defense in mobile networks
Methods for detecting and thwarting misbehaving nodes in mobile networks
QoE and QoP modeling for mobile networks
QoE and QoP evaluation methodologies for mobile networks
Cross-layer QoE and QoP design of mobile networks
Real experiments and testbeds for QoE and QoP evaluation of mobile social
networking systems
QoE modeling and evaluation for participatory sensing


For manuscript preparation and submission, please follow the guidelines in
the Author Guidelines and Paper Submission Guidelines section at the IEEE
Wireless Communications web page, http://www.comsoc.org/wirelessmag. A
paper should have no more than 4500 words, no more than 6 tables/figures,
and its abstract should have no more than 250 words. Any submission that
fails to comply with the guidelines will be rejected without review. Papers
must be submitted in PDF format to the Manuscript Central


Manuscript Submission: Dec 1, 2014
First round of review to authors: March 15, 2015
Notification of Acceptance: May 1, 2015
Final Manuscript Due: June 15, 2015
Publication Date: August 2015


Prof. Haojin Zhu
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Email: zhu-hj at cs.sjtu.edu.cn

Prof. Kuang-Hao (Stanley) Liu
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
khliu at mail.ncku.edu.tw

Prof. Wenbo He
McGill University, Canada
Email: wenbohe at cs.mcgill.ca

Prof. Kaoru Ota
Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
Email: ota at csse.muroran-it.ac.jp
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