[Om-announce] SCORE Student Contest @ ICSE 2016

Carlo Alberto Furia caf at inf.ethz.ch
Tue Dec 9 17:21:20 CET 2014

[Apologies for multiple postings.]

*** SCORE 2016 Student Contest: Call for Participation ***


The Student Contest on Software Engineering (SCORE) is a worldwide
competition for undergraduate and master's level students. It
emphasizes the engineering aspects of software development, not
limited to programming. The fourth edition of the Student Contest on
Software Engineering (SCORE) is part of the 38th International
Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016) and is currently

We encourage you to advertise SCORE 2016 to your students, and to
consider using its project topics in the courses you will teach in the
year 2015!

Between January and November 2015, teams of students can enter SCORE
2016: they select a project topic among those offered, and register
following the instructions at score-contest.org. Their goal is to
undertake a full-fledged software engineering project that adheres to
the chosen topic description and encompasses all aspects of the
engineering process, including planning, requirements, design,
implementation, and testing.  Following the best software engineering
practices, teams document the process and its outcomes using formal
and informal notations, configuration management tools, and
process-specific techniques. They collect all artifacts and
documentation and produce a detailed project report. By the 15 January
2016 deadline, teams submit a 20-page summary report, which gives a
self-contained summary of their project development.  Based on the
summary reports, the SCORE Program Committee selects a number of
semi-finalist teams to submit their complete project reports and
artifacts by the 4 March 2016 deadline. After evaluating the complete
reports and artifacts of semi-finalist teams, the SCORE Program
Committee selects a limited number of finalist teams by the 7 April
2016 deadline, and invites them to present their projects at ICSE 2016
in Austin, TX, USA.  Finally, after presentations at ICSE 2016, the
SCORE Program Committee selects the winning team and presents awards
during the conference.

* Important dates *

December 2014: List of project topics available on SCORE's website.

January 2015 to November 2015: Registration is open for teams entering
                                the contest.

15 January 2016: Deadline for the submission of summary reports.

7 April 2016: Notification of finalists who will be invited
               to ICSE 2016.

ICSE 2016 (14--22 May 2016): Final evaluation and presentation
                              of the awards.

* Organization *

The SCORE 2016 contest is organized by Jonathan Cook (New Mexico State
University, USA) and Carlo A. Furia (ETH Zurich, Switzerland).

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