[Om-announce] PPDP 2014: Program and 2nd Call for Participation

Jacob Johannsen cnn at cs.au.dk
Sun Jul 27 14:57:49 CEST 2014



			      PPDP 2014
		   16th International Symposium on
	  Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
		Canterbury, Kent, September 8-10, 2014
                           co-located with

			     LOPSTR 2014
		   24th International Symposium on
	   Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation
		Canterbury, Kent, September 9-11, 2014


Two weeks left for early registration (until August 8):

A significant discount is available when registering to both events,
especially as a student (until August 8).

PPDP 2014 features
* an invited talk by Roberto Giacobazzi, shared with LOPSTR:
   "Obscuring Code -- Unveiling and Veiling Information in Programs"
* no fewer than 4 distilled tutorials by
   - Henrik Nilsson and Ivan Perez:
     "Declarative Game Programming"
   - Danko Ilik:
     "Proofs in Continuation-Passing Style:
      normalization of Gödel's System T extended with sums and
      delimited control operators"
   - Jerzy Karczmarczuk:
     "On the Declarative Structure of Quantum Concepts:
      States and Observables"
   - Ralf Laemmel, Andrei Varanovich, and Martin Leinberger:
     "Declarative Software Development"
* the most influential paper 10-year award for PPDP 2004

Tentative program:


Monday 8 September

Welcome to PPDP 2014 - 08:45-09:00
   Olaf Chitil and Andy King

Distilled Tutorial - 9:00-10:00
   Ralf Laemmel
   "Declarative Software Development"

Break - 10:00-10:15

Session - 10:15-11:15

   Rémi Douence and Nicolas Tabareau
   "Lazier Imperative Programming"

   Stefan Mehner, Daniel Seidel, Lutz Straßburger and Janis Voigtländer
   "Parametricity and Proving Free Theorems for Functional-Logic Languages"

Break - 11:15-11:30

Session - 11:30-12:30

   Paul Tarau
   "Bijective Collection Encodings and Boolean Operations
    with Hereditarily Binary Natural Numbers"

   Flavio Cruz, Ricardo Rocha and Seth Goldstein
   "Design and implementation of a multithreaded virtual machine
    for executing linear logic programs"

Lunch break - 12:30-14:00

Distilled tutorial - 14:00-15:00
   Danko Ilik
   "Proofs in Continuation-Passing Style:
    normalization of Gödel's System T
    extended with sums and delimited control operators"

Break - 15:00-15:15

Session - 15:15-16:15

   Kenichi Asai, Luminous Fennell, Peter Thiemann and Yang Zhang
   "A Type Theoretic Specification for Partial Evaluation"

   Paul Downen, Luke Maurer, Zena Ariola and Daniele Varacca
   "Continuations, Processes, and Sharing"

Break - 16:15-16:30

Session - 16:30-17:30

   Pierre Neron
   "Partial Inlining for Program Transformation"

   Jean-Louis Giavitto and José Echeveste
   "Real-Time Matching of Antescofo Temporal Patterns"

Program-chair report - 17:30-17:45
   Olivier Danvy


Tuesday 9 September

Distilled tutorial - 9:00-10:00
   Jerzy Karczmarczuk
   "On the Declarative Structure of Quantum Concepts:
    States and Observables"

Break - 10:00-10:15

Session - 10:15-11:15

   José Meseguer and Salvador Lucas
   "Proving Operational Termination of Declarative Programs in General 

   Fan Yang, Santiago Escobar, Catherine Meadows, José Meseguer and 
Paliath Narendran
   "Theories of Homomorphic Encryption, Unification, and the Finite 
Variant Property"

Break - 11:15-11:30

Session - 11:30-12:30

   Tzu-Chun Chen, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini and Nobuko Yoshida
   "On the Preciseness of Subtyping in Session Types"

   Hugo Pacheco, Tao Zan and Zhenjiang Hu
   "BiFluX: A Bidirectional Functional Update Language for XML"

Lunch break - 12:30-14:00

Distilled tutorial - 14:00-15:00
   Henrik Nilsson
   "Declarative Game Programming"

Break - 15:00-15:15

Session - 15:15-16:15

   Francisco Ferreira and Brigitte Pientka
   "Bidirectional Elaboration of Dependently Typed Programs"

   Steven Ramsay
   "Exact Intersection Type Abstractions for Safety Checking of 
Recursion Schemes"

Break - 16:15-16:30

Session - 16:30-17:30

   Julian Kranz and Axel Simon
   "Structure-Preserving Compilation:
    Efficient Integration of Functional DSLs into Legacy Systems"

   Ulrich Schöpp
   "Organising Low-Level Programs using Higher Types"


Wednesday 10 September

Invited talk - 9:00-10:00
   Roberto Giacobazzi
   Obscuring Code -- Unveiling and Veiling Information in Programs

Break - 10:00-10:15

Session - 10:15-11:15

   Rémy Haemmerlé
   "On Combining Backward and Forward Chaining in Constraint Logic 

   Nataliia Stulova, Jose F. Morales and Manuel V. Hermenegildo
   "Assertion-based Debugging of Higher-Order (C)LP Programs"

Break - 11:15-11:30

Session - 11:30-12:30

   Takahito Aoto and Sorin Stratulat
   "Decision Procedures for Proving Inductive Theorems without Induction"

   Joachim Jansen, Ingmar Dasseville, Jo Devriendt and Gerda Janssens
   "Experimental Evaluation of a State-of-the-Art Grounder"

Lunch break - 12:30-13:30

Session - 13:30-14:30

   Tom Schrijvers, Nicolas Wu, Benoit Desouter and Bart Demoen
   "Heuristics entwined with handlers combined"

   James Cheney, Amal Ahmed and Umut Acar
   "Database queries that explain their work"


Also, please note a change of dates: LOPSTR will start on September 9,
rather than September 10 as previously announced.

See you in Canterbury!

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