[Om-announce] CMCS 2014: call for participation

Alexandra Silva A.Silva at science.ru.nl
Sat Mar 8 16:41:26 CET 2014

This is a Call for Participation and Registration for

                         12th International Workshop on
          Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'14)
                    5 - 6 April 2014, Grenoble, France

The CMCS programme features

 - a keynote talk by Davide Sangiorgi (University of Bologna, IT)
 - an invited talk by Ichiro Hasuo (University of Tokyo, JP)
 - an invited tal by Marina Lenisa (University of Udine)

In addition there will be a special session on game theory and coalgebras
associated with Marina Lenisa's invited talk and featuring tutorials by

  - Paul-Andre Mellies, Université Paris Denis Diderot, FR
  - Pierre Lescanne, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, FR

More information about CMCS 2014, including a list of accepted papers and
a full programme, can be found at


Links for registration and information about hotel arrangements can be found
at the ETAPS 2014 website


Please note that CMCS 2014 is organizing a dinner on    *** Saturday 5 April ***.
This is not the pre-workshop dinner organized by ETAPS. Tickets cost cost 60 EUR
each and can be bought directly on the first day of the meeting.

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