[Om-announce] Call for Abstracts and Papers: ICMS 2014

Chee Yap yap at cs.nyu.edu
Wed Mar 26 02:59:43 CET 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract to:

     The 4th International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS)
               August 5 - 9 2014, Seoul Korea

     Invited Plenary Speakers:
        Jonathan Borwein   (Australia)
        Bruno Buchberger   (Austria)
        Wolfram Decker     (Germany)
        Andrew Sommese     (USA)
        Lloyd N. Trefethen (UK)

     Official satellite conference of
        International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM)

This is a forum for researchers to share challenges, achievements and
progress in mathematical software research, their design, development
and use. Publications include proceedings and journal special issues.

   * Short abstract           March 31 2014
   * Extended abstract    April 30 2014

Feel free to contact me (yap at cs.nyu.edu).

Chee Yap                        Hoon Hong
General Chair                 Program Chair
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