[Om-announce] First Call for Papers: 26. OpenMath Workshop (at CICM 2014; July 7. July 2014)

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de
Sun May 11 16:33:39 CEST 2014

26th OpenMath Workshop
Coimbra, Portugal
July 7. 2014
co-located with CICM 2014
Submission deadline 7 June



OpenMath (http://www.openmath.org) is a language for exchanging
mathematical formulae across applications (such as computer algebra
systems).  From 2010 its importance has increased in that OpenMath
Content Dictionaries were adopted as a foundation of the MathML 3 W3C
recommendation (http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML), the standard for
mathematical formulae on the Web.

Topics we expect to see at the workshop include

   * Feature Requests (Standard Enhancement Proposals) and Discussions
     for going beyond OpenMath 2;
   * Further convergence of OpenMath and MathML 3;
   * Reasoning with OpenMath;
   * Software using or processing OpenMath;
   * OpenMath on the Semantic Web;
   * New OpenMath Content Dictionaries;

Contributions can be either full research papers, Standard Enhancement
Proposals, or a description of new Content Dictionaries, particularly
ones that are suggested for formal adoption by the OpenMath Society.

IMPORTANT DATES (all times are "anywhere on earth")

   * 7. June 2014: Submission
   * 20. June 2014: Notification of acceptance or rejection
   * 5. July 2014: Final revised papers due
   * 7. July 2014: Workshop (Coimbra time)


Submission is via EasyChair (http://www.easychair.org/conferences?conf=om20131).  
Final papers must conform to the EasyChair LaTeX style.  Initial submissions in this 
format  are welcome but not mandatory – but they should be in PDF and within the 
given limit of pages/words.

Submission categories:

   * Full paper: 5–10 EasyChair pages
   * Short paper: 1–4 EasyChair pages
   * CD description: 1-6 EasyChair pages; a .zip or .tgz file of the
     CDs must be attached, or a link to the CD provided.
   * Standard Enhancement Proposal: 1-10 EasyChair pages (as
     appropriate w.r.t. the background knowledge required); a .zip or
     .tgz file of any related implementation (e.g. a Relax NG schema)
     should be attached.

If not in EasyChair format, 500 words count as one page.


Electronic proceedings will be published with CEUR-WS.org.


   * James Davenport (University of Bath, UK)
   * Michael Kohlhase (Jacobs University Bremen, Germany)


   * James Davenport (University of Bath, UK)
   * Michael Kohlhase (Jacobs University Bremen, Germany)
   * Christoph Lange (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany) 
   * Lars Hellström (Umeå Universitet, Sweden)
   * Jan Willem Knopper (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands)
   * Paul Libbrecht (PH Weingarten)
   * Chris Rowley (LaTeX3 Project and Open Math Society)

Comments/questions/enquiries: to be sent to the organizers

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