[Om-announce] RTA 2015 - First Call For Papers

Sophie Tison sophie.tison at lifl.fr
Mon Oct 13 08:17:30 CEST 2014

              RTA 2015 - CALL FOR PAPERS 
           26th International Conference on
        29 June - 1 July, 2015, Warsaw, Poland 
      co-located with TLCA, as part of RDP 2015

RTA is the major forum for the presentation of research on all 
aspects of rewriting.  Topics of interest include:

* Foundations: string, term, net and graph rewriting; higher-order
rewriting; binding techniques; constrained rewriting and deduction;
categorical and infinitary rewriting; stochastic rewriting;
higher-dimensional rewriting; tree automata; confluence; 
termination; complexity; modularity; equational logic; 
universal algebra; rewriting logic; rewriting calculi.
* Algorithmic aspects and implementation: strategies; matching;
unification; anti-unification; narrowing; completion; parallel
execution; certification of rewriting properties; abstract machines;
automated (non)termination and confluence provers; automated
complexity analysis; system descriptions.

* Applications of rewriting: programming languages (functional, 
logic, object-oriented and other programming paradigms); type 
systems; program analysis, transformation and optimisation; 
rewriting models of programs; semantics; process calculi; 
functional calculi; explicit substitution; constraint solving; 
symbolic and algebraic computation; theorem proving; 
proof checking; system modelling; system synthesis and 
verification; XML queries and transformations; cryptographic 
protocols; security policies; systems biology; linguistics; 
rewriting in education.

Important Dates:
# Submission: title and abstract: 30 January 2015
              full paper: 6 February 2015
# Rebuttal period: 19-21 March 2015  
# Notification:    8 April 2015
# Final version:  25 April 2015

Submission and publication:
The RTA 2015 proceedings will be published by LIPIcs (Leibniz
International Proceedings in Informatics). Papers should present
original work, and should be submitted via Easychair:
Papers should be at most 15 pages (10 for system descriptions) 
in the style described in:
This year we particularly welcome submissions on applications of
rewriting. Application papers are regular papers (15 pages); their
originality is judged based on the novelty of the application or the
depth of the rewriting methods applied. 
System description papers present new software tools in which 
rewriting plays an important role, or significantly new versions 
of such tools. The paper should also include an evaluation of the 

Programme Committee:
M. Ayala-Rincon, U. Brasilia
H. Cirstea, Loria Nancy
S. Delaune, ENS Cachan
A. Di Pierro, U. Verona
G. Dowek, Inria
M. Fernandez, KCL, chair
J. Giesl, RWTH Aachen U.
M. Hanus, CAU Kiel
D. Kesner, U. Paris-Diderot
T. Kutsia, Johannes Kepler U. Linz
J. Levy, IIIA-CSIC Barcelona
S. Lucas, Polytechnic U. Valencia
C. Lynch, Clarkson U.
I. Mackie, E. Polytechnique
G. Moser, U. Innsbruck
D. Plump, U. York
F. van Raamsdonk, VU Amsterdam
K. Rose, Two Sigma, US
M. Sakai, Nagoya U.
A. Scedrov, U. Pennsylvania
M. Schmidt-Schauss, U. Frankfurt
C. Schuermann, ITU Copenhagen	
P. Selinger, Dalhousie U.
P. Severi, U. Leicester
K. Ueda, Waseda U.

Conference Chair:
Aleksy Schubert
Warsaw University

For more information, please contact the PC chair:
Maribel.Fernandez at kcl.ac.uk

Pr. Sophie Tison (RTA publicity chair)
LIFL - University of Lille- CNRS
sophie.tison at lifl.fr

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