[Om-announce] AVoCS 2015: Joint Call for Research Idea Papers & Participation

Lin, Yuhui Y.Lin at hw.ac.uk
Fri Jul 17 12:42:47 CEST 2015

|** AVoCS 2015: Joint Call for Research Idea Papers & Participation **|
              The 15th International Workshop on 
          Automated Verification of Critical Systems 
             1-4 September 2015, Edinburgh, UK

                avocs2015 at easychair.org
-----------------------|*** HIGHLIGHTS ***|---------------------------- 
+ *NEW* Registration is now open!
+ *NEW* Special research ideas session: short papers due 10th August
+ *NEW* Several student grants available: application due 10th August
+ Invited talks by
    Colin O'Halloran (D-RisQ/Oxford) 
    Don Sannella (Contemplate/Edinburgh)
+ AI4FM workshop including invited talk by 
    J Strother Moore (Univerity of Texas at Austin)
+ Proceedings to be published by EASST  
+ Special issues of Science of Computer Programming

  Registration for AVoCS is available from

  Early registration ends 18 August.

  D-RisQ Software Systems
  Formal Methods Europe (FME)
  The Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance (SICSA)

  The aim of Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS) 2015 
  is to contribute to the interaction and exchange of ideas among members 
  of the international research community on tools and techniques for the 
  verification of critical systems. 

  We encourage the submissions of research ideas in order to stimulate 
  discussions at the workshop. Reports on ongoing work or surveys on work 
  published elsewhere are welcome. The Programme Committee will select 
  research ideas on the basis of submitted abstracts according to significance 
  and general interest. The subject of the ideas is to be interpreted broadly 
  and inclusively. It covers all aspects of automated verification, including 
  model checking, theorem proving, SAT/SMT constraint solving, abstract 
  interpretation, and refinement pertaining to various types of critical 
  systems which need to meet stringent dependability requirements 
  (safety-critical, business-critical, performance-critical, etc.). Contributions 
  that describe different techniques, or industrial case studies are encouraged. 
  Topics include (but are not limited to):
    - Model Checking
    - Automatic and Interactive Theorem Proving
    - SAT, SMT or Constraint Solving for Verification
    - Abstract Interpretation
    - Specification and Refinement
    - Requirements Capture and Analysis
    - Verification of Software and Hardware
    - Specification and Verification of Fault Tolerance and Resilience
    - Probabilistic and Real-Time Systems
    - Dependable Systems
    - Verified System Development
    - Industrial Applications

  Submission of research idea papers: 10th August 2015
  Submission of student grant application: 10th August 2015
  Notification (research idea): 14th August 2015
  Early registration: 18th August 2015
  Submissions of final versions: 21st August 2015 

  Colin O'Halloran (D-RisQ & the University of Oxford)
  Don Sannella (Contemplate & the University of Edinburgh)  

  AI4FM 2015: 1 September 2015 -- www.ai4fm.org/ai4fm-2015/
  including invited talk by J Strother Moore (Univerity of Texas at Austin)

  The event will be held in the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences 
  (ICMS) in the centre of the historic old town of Edinburgh - an UNESCO world
  heritage site. 

  Research ideas must be written in English and not exceed 2 pages using the 
  dedicated AVoCS 2015 EASST template available from the the following link 
  (for LaTeX and Word):


  The presentation of these ideas will be organised around discussions, where the 
  presenter should also prepare a set of question in which the audience will discuss.
  Submissions are handled via Easychair: 


  The research ideas will be included in the pre-proceedings, which will be available 
  in the form of a Heriot-Watt University Technical Report and will be available at the

  Thanks to sponsorships from Altran, FME and SICSA we can offer financial 
  support for a limited number of students registering for AVoCS in the form
  of a registration fee waiver (full or partial). As this is limited, we 
  ask the students that would like to take the advantage of this support 
  to submit a short application. The details on how to apply is available
  from AVoCS webpage.

  Authors of a selection of the best papers presented at the workshop will be 
  invited to submit extended versions of their work for publication in a 
  special issue of Elsevier's journal Science of Computer Programming.

  Ernie Cohen, University of Pennsylvania, USA
  Ewen Denney, NASA Ames, USA
  Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS, France
  Michael Goldsmith, University of Oxford, UK
  Gudmund Grov, Heriot-Watt University, UK (co-chair)
  Keijo Heljanko, Aalto University, Finland
  Mike Hinchey, University of Limerick, Ireland
  Marieke Huisman, University of Twente, Netherlands
  Andrew Ireland, Heriot-Watt University, UK (co-chair)
  Gerwin Klein, NICTA/UNSW, Australia
  Thierry Lecomte, ClearSy, France
  Yuhui Lin, Heriot-Watt University, UK
  Peter Gorm Larsen, Aarhus University, Denmark 
  Panagiotis (Pete) Manolios, Northeastern University, USA
  Stephan Merz, INRIA Nancy & LORIA, France
  Jaco van de Pol, University of Twente, Netherlands
  Markus Roggenbach, Swansea University, UK
  Marco Roveri, FBK, Italy
  Thomas Santen, Microsoft Research, Germany
  Bernard Steffen, Technical University Dortmund, Germany
  Jan Strejček, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
  Jun Sun, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
  Tayssir Touili, LIAFA, CNRS & University Paris Diderot, France
  Helen Treharne, University of Surrey, UK
  Laurent Voisin, Systerel, France
  Angela Wallenburg, Altran, UK
  John Wickerson, Imperial College London, UK
  Peter Ölveczky, University of Oslo, Norway

  Gudmund Grov, Heriot-Watt University, UK
  Andrew Ireland, Heriot-Watt University, UK
  Yuhui Lin, Heriot-Watt University, UK (local arrangements and publicity chair)

  Michael Goldsmith, University of Oxford, UK
  Stephan Merz, INRIA Nancy & LORIA, France
  Markus Roggenbach, Swansea University, UK

We invite research leaders and ambitious early career researchers to 
join us in leading and driving research in key inter-disciplinary themes. 
Please see www.hw.ac.uk/researchleaders for further information and how
to apply.

Heriot-Watt University is a Scottish charity
registered under charity number SC000278.

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