[Om-announce] CADE-25 Call for Participation

Geoff Sutcliffe geoff at cs.miami.edu
Fri Jun 5 16:34:38 CEST 2015

   25th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-25) 
         Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 1-7 August 2015

                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

Registration, accommodation, and travel information for CADE-25 and all
the affiliated events can be found at the conference website at

The call for the Woody Bledsoe Student Travel Award is attached.

1-3 August 2015: Workshops, Tutorials, Special Session, Competitions
4-7 August 2015: CADE main conference, Competitions

CADE is the major forum for the presentation of research in all
aspects of automated deduction. The CADE-25 conference programme will
include invited talks, paper presentations, system descriptions,
workshops, tutorials, system competitions, a poster session, and a
special jubilee session on the past, present, and future of automated

Invited speakers (CADE-25 jubilee session)
 * Ursula Martin, University of Oxford
 * Frank Pfenning, Carnegie Mellon University
 * David Plaisted, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
 * Andrei Voronkov, University of Manchester

Invited speakers (CADE-25 main conference)
 * Ulrich Furbach, University of Koblenz, ECCAI invited talk
 * Edward Zalta, Stanford University
 * Michael Genesereth, Stanford University (joint with RuleML Symposium)

Numerous further invited presentations will be part of the CADE-25
workshop program. Reception and dinner speeches will be given by
Wolfgang Bibel and Jörg Siekmann.

 * 7 invited presentations (see above)
 * 24 regular research papers
 * 12 system descriptions
 * 9 workshops and 1 poster event
 * 6 tutorials
 * 3 system competitions
 * presentation of Herbrand Award to Andrei Voronkov
 * presentation of Skolem Awards (for most influential CADE papers
   from CADE-20, CADE-14, CADE-8, and CADE-0-1)
 * presentation of best paper award to Vijay D'Silva and Caterina Urban

 * Bridging: Bridging the gap between human and automated reasoning 
 * DT: 29. Jahrestreffen der GI-Fachgruppe Deduktionssysteme 
 * HOL4: HOL4 Workshop 
 * IWC: The 4th International Workshop on Confluence
 * LFMTP: International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and
                Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice
 * LOCAS: Low-level Code Analysis for Security
 * PxTP: Workshop on Proof eXchange for Theorem Proving 
 * QUANTIFY: 2nd International Workshop on Quantification
 * Vampire: The Vampire Workshop 

 * Abella: Reasoning about Computational Systems using Abella
 * Beluga: Programming proofs about formal systems 
 * CPROVER: From Programs to Logic: The CPROVER verification tools
 * Isabelle: Isabelle Tutorial
 * Lean: Lean Theorem Prover: a Tutorial 
 * Superposition: 25th Anniversary of Superposition: Status and Future

 * CASC: The CADE ATP System Competition
 * CoCo: The 4th Confluence Competition
 * termCOMP: Termination Competition

 * EPS: The CADE-25 Taskforce towards an Encyclopedia of Proof Systems          

The Woody Bledsoe Student Travel Award was created to honor the memory
of Woody Bledsoe, for his contributions to mathematics, artificial
intelligence, and automated theorem proving, and for his dedication to
students. The award is intended to enable selected students to attend
the International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE) or the
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR),
whichever is scheduled for the year, by covering part of their

The winners of the CADE-25 Woody Bledsoe Student Award will be
partially reimbursed (e.g., between Euro 200 and Euro 750) for their
conference registration, transportation, and accommodation expenses.
Preference will be given to students who will play an active role in
the conference (including satellite workshops, competitions, tutorials
and poster events) and do not have alternative funding. However, also
students in other situations are very much encouraged to apply.

A nomination consists of a recommendation letter of up to 300 words
from the student's advisor. Nominations for CADE-25 should be sent by
e-mail to the chairs and conference organizers at
cade25 at inf.fu-berlin.de.

Nominations must arrive no later than 21 June 2015. The winners will
be notified by 28 June 2015.

The awards will be presented at CADE-25; in case a winner does not
attend, the chairs may transfer the award to another nominee or give
no award.

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