[Om-announce] [CFP - SaSeIoT 2015] 2nd International Conference on Safety and Security in Internet of Things

Mohamad Badra mbadra at gmail.com
Tue May 19 09:37:56 CEST 2015

(Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP)

                2nd International Conference on
            Safety and Security in Internet of Things
                         (SaSeIoT 2015)

                 26-27 October, 2015 - Rome, Italy

The infrastructure of large cities is becoming increasingly
vulnerable to natural and man-made disasters.

Complex Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructures,
critical dependencies and unforeseen cascading effects can worsen
single hazard events to a threatening crisis of several entire

With the dense population in urban areas along with the critical
dependency on infrastructures, such crises become a serious threat
to the safety and security of citizens and industries. When the
"unforeseen" happens, public security comes to its limits Whether
cyber, natural or industrial disasters - effective risk management
must be a continuous process that recognizes new threats and
opportunities, in particular in relation to new technological

Internet of Things (IoT) will have an enormous impact on our future
infrastructures. In the context of safety and security this is at
the same time a challenge (How can we design secure and resilient
IoT infrastructures?) and an opportunity (How can we use IoT for
better safety and security?).

In particular in urban environments, the increasing deployments of
IoT technologies and the rapid proliferation of sensored and
automated cities are opening up new avenues of threats and
opportunities toward public safety and security. Although we have
seen various deployments of diverse IoT systems, our understanding
of these systems and their implications in the context of safety and
security has just scratched the surface. The Second International
Conference on Safety and Security with IoT (SaSeIoT 2015) aims to
explore these dynamics within the scope of IoT in the context of
Safety and Security. The conference solicits original and inspiring
research contributions from technology experts, researchers,
designers, practitioners in academia, authorities and industry, and
promises to offer a highly interactive forum to share knowledge,
experiences, and best practices primarily in the following main
application oriented themes:

o Ensuring the resilience and security of IoT dependent

     The topics of interest in this theme include, but are not
     limited to:
     - Models, methods and tools for testing IoT infrastructures
     - Design of resilient IoT infrastructures
     - Detection, prevention, response and mitigation of cyber
       threats to IoT
     - Trust and identity management in IoT
     - Security protocols in IoT
     - Risk analysis and management for IoT infrastructures
     - Threat modeling in IoT

o Using IoT for crisis and emergency management

     The topics of interest in this theme include, but are not
     limited to:
     - IoT for threat and hazard detection
     - IoT for situation-awareness
     - IoT for crisis and emergency response
     - IoT for command & control
     - IoT for emergency forces

o Privacy in IoT
o Security and IoT Cloudification


Regular Papers should be up to 12 pages in length. Short papers up
to 4 pages in length. Complete formatting and submission
instructions can be found on the conference web site at:

Papers will be judged on originality, correctness, clarity and
relevance. Submitted papers must be original work and should not be
under consideration for another conference or journal.Submission of
the paper implies agreement of the author(s) to attend the
conference and present the paper if accepted.

All accepted papers will be published by Springer. The proceedings
will be available both in book form and via the SpringerLink digital

A special issue of ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications
will be organized after the conference containing selected best
papers of the conference.

Full Paper Submission deadline: 15 July 2015
Notification deadline: 15 August 2015
Camera-ready deadline: 31 August 2015

Steering Committee
 Imrich Chlamtac (Chair), Create-Net, EAI, Italy
 Hakima Chaouchi,EIT ICT Labs, Institut Mines Telecom-Telecom Sud
 Paris, France

General Chair
 Hakima Chaouchi,EIT ICT Labs, Institut Mines Telecom-Telecom Sud
 Paris, France

Technical Program Chair
 Sherali Zeadally, University of Kentucky, USA

Publicity Co-Chairs
 Scott Fowler, Linkoping University, Sweden
 Wendong Xiao, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
 Mauro Fonseca, Federal Technological University of Paraná, Brazil

 Publication Chair
 Mohamad Badra, Zayed University, UAE

 Web Chair
 Sandrine Bourger, Telecom Sud Paris, France

 Workshop Co-Chairs
 Anis Laouiti, Telecom Sud Paris, France
 Thomas Bourgeau, UPMC, France

 Technical Program Committee
 Sergey Andreev, Tampere University, Finland
 Cristina Alcaraz, University of Malaga, Spain
 Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, University of Thessaly, Greece
 Mohamad Badra, Zayed University, UAE
 Zubair Baig, Edith Cowan University, Australia
 Zorica Bogdanovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
 Thomas Bourgeau, Paris VI University, France
 Patrick Capolsini, University of French Polynesia, Tahiti
 Ashok Chandra, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
 Naveen Chilamkurti, La Trobe University, Australia
 Scott Fowler, Linkoping University, Sweden
 Alban Gabillon, University of French Polynesia, Tahiti
 Zeynep Gurkas Aydin, Istanbul University, Turkey
 Debiao He, Wuhan University, China
 Leila Ismail, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
 Arshad Jhumka, Warwick University, United Kingdom
 Muhammad Khan, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
 Anis Laouiti, Telcom Sud Paris, France
 Albert Levi, Sabanci University, Turkey
 Toktam Mahmoodi, King's College, United Kingdom
 Gregorio Martinez, University of Murcia, Spain
 Farid Naït-Abdesselam, Paris Descartes University, France
 Jalel Othman, University of Paris 13, France
 Lotfi Othmane, Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information
                Technology (SIT), Germany
 Sushmita Ruj, Indian Statistical Institute, India
 Khaled Salah, Khalifa University, UAE
 Nishanth Sastry, King's College, United Kingdom
 Faisal Shaikh, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology,
 Aditya K Sood, Michigan State University, USA
 Diego Touceda, University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
 Wei Yu, Towson University, USA
 David Yau, Singapore university of Technology and design, Sinagpore
 Wendong Xiao, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

Conference Coordinator
 Kristina Lukacova, EAI Slovakia
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