[Om-announce] xSAP 1.1.0 has been released

Marco Bozzano bozzano at fbk.eu
Thu Mar 31 18:06:52 CEST 2016

The Embedded Systems Unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
is happy to announce the availability of

            xSAP 1.1.0

This is a major release, containing new features, and a few bug fixes.
The documentation has been updated to cover the new features.

* New features

 o Fault library

   - The library has been extended with new fault modes: random,
     erroneous, delta-in and delta-out

 o Fault Tree Analysis

   - Probability computation using 'anytime' feature has been improved

   - FT viewer export functionality has been improved

 o FMEA analysis

   - Output of FMEA table in XML format has been added

 o TFPG analyses

   - New analyses are available: tightening and tightness checking

   - Synthesis of TFPGs has been improved

o Examples

   - Some new examples have been added to the distribution

*  Bug fixes

* The check_installation script and list of installation requirements
  have been revised

* Various minor bugs have been fixed

*  Known issues

* Under Windows OS, export of a Fault Tree from the FT Viewer (both
  image and pdf formats) produces a blank image/corrupted pdf. Issue
  will be investigated for the next release


xSAP is a tool for safety assessment of synchronous finite-state and
infinite-state systems, based on symbolic model checking techniques.

xSAP provides the following main capabilities:

* Library-based specification of faults, fault effects, and fault

* Automatic model-extension with fault specifications

* Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and generation of Minimal Cut Sets (MCS)
  for dynamic systems, for both the monotonic and non-monotonic case

* Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

* Fault propagation analysis based on Timed Failure Propagation Graphs

* Common Cause Analysis (CCA)

xSAP is currently licensed in binary form, for non-commercial or
academic purposes.

Inquiries about other usages of xSAP should be addressed to

	  xsap at fbk.eu

The list of xSAP users is open for registration and discussion

          xsap-users at fbk.eu

Visit http://xsap.fbk.eu for more detailed information and download.

Other useful links:

* Feature requests and bug reports: http://es.fbk.eu/tools/xsap/index.php?n=BugReport.Home

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