[Om-announce] Call for Papers: ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2018)

Cheng, Yuan yuan.cheng at csus.edu
Sun Jul 2 05:28:30 CEST 2017

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting and/or forwarding to the appropriate groups/personnel the opportunity to submit to the 8th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY), which will be held on March 19-21, 2018 in Tempe, AZ, USA.

CODASPY has had seven successful years and the goal of the conference is to discuss novel, exciting research topics in data and application security and privacy, and to lay out directions for further research and development in this area.

   The conference seeks submissions from diverse communities, including corporate and academic researchers, open-source projects, standardization bodies, governments, system and security administrators, software engineers and application domain experts. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  *   Application-layer security policies
  *   Access control for applications
  *   Access control for databases
  *   Data-dissemination controls
  *   Data forensics
  *   Enforcement-layer security policies
  *   Privacy-preserving techniques
  *   Private information retrieval
  *   Search on protected/encrypted data
  *   Secure auditing
  *   Secure collaboration
  *   Secure data provenance
  *   Secure electronic commerce
  *   Secure information sharing
  *   Secure knowledge management
  *   Secure multiparty computation
  *   Secure software development
  *   Securing data/apps on untrusted platforms
  *   Securing the semantic web
  *   Security and privacy in GIS/spatial data
  *   Security and privacy in healthcare
  *   Security and privacy in the Internet of Things
  *   Security policies for databases
  *   Social computing security and privacy
  *   Social networking security and privacy
  *   Trust metrics for applications, data, and users
  *   Usable security and privacy
  *   Web application security

Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: September 5, 2017, 23:59 anywhere in the world
Paper submission deadline: September 12, 2017, 23:59 anywhere in the world
Notification to (conference) authors: November 21, 2017
Camera-ready papers and posters: TBA

Program Co-Chairs
Gabriel Ghinita, University of Massachusetts at Boston
Ram Krishnan, University of Texas at San Antonio

For more information please view the website<http://www.codaspy.org/>, call for papers<http://www.ycheng.org/codaspy/2018/cfp.html>. And don't forget to SUBMIT.

Yuan Cheng, Ph.D.
Publicity and Web Chair, ACM CODASPY 2018
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
California State University, Sacramento
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