[Om-announce] TABLEAUX 2017, FroCoS 2017, ITP 2017 - Call for Participation

geoff at ewell.cs.miami.edu geoff at ewell.cs.miami.edu
Thu Jul 27 21:01:03 CEST 2017


    TABLEAUX 2017, FroCoS 2017, ITP 2017
            Brasilia, Brazil
          25-29 September 2017


*** Registration is now open ***

Registration website: https://registration2017.cic.unb.br

Early registration until 4th August
Late registration until 2nd September

More information can be found at the conferences websites:


*** Student Grants ***

A limited number of travel grants is available for students
who would not otherwise have resources to attend TABLEAUX/FroCoS/ITP,
and whose attendance would benefit both the applicant and the event.

Although priority is given to students with active role in the 
conferences/workshops, students in other situations are very much 
encouraged to apply.

The grants are offered by Springer and by the organisation of 
the conferences.

For details, see the full call at the conferences websites:


*** Invited Speakers ***

- Carlos Areces (FaMAF-Cordoba/Argentina)
- Wolfgang Bibel (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany)
- Katalin Bimbo (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Germany)
- Jasmin Blanchette (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Reiner Haehnle (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany)
- Moa Johansson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
- Cezary Kaliszyk (Universitaet Innsbruck, Austria)
- Leonardo Moura (RiSE, Microsoft, USA)
- Cesare Tinelli (The University of Iowa, USA)
- Renata Wasserman (IME/USP)

*** Programme ***



*** Social Events ***

Excursion to visit the Itamaraty Palace (Foreign Affairs Ministry). The building was designed by Oscar Niemeyer, the gardens by Burle Marx, and inside we can find the works by Athos Bulcao and Alfredo Volpi, among others. Conference dinner will take place in a location by the Paranoa Lake.

*** Workshops ***

- 12th Logical and Semantic Frameworks with Applications (LSFA 2017)
  23 and 24 September

- Fifth Workshop on Proof eXchange for Theorem Proving (PxTP)
  23 and 24 September

- EPS - Encyclopedia of Proof Systems
  24 and 25 September

- DaLí - Dynamic Logic: new trends and applications
  23 and 24 September

*** Tutorials ***

- Proof compressions and the conjecture NP = PSPACE
  Lew Gordeev, Edward Hermann Haeusler
  23 September 2017

- General methods in proof theory for modal and substructural logics
  Bjoern Lellmann, Revantha Ramanayake
  24 September 2017

- From proof systems to complexity bounds
  Anupam Das
  25 September 2017

- PVS for Computer Scientists
  Cesar Munoz, Mauricio Ayala-Rincon, Mariano Moscato
  25 September 2017

*** Poster Session ***

The joint poster session will be held on the 28th September.

*** Venue ***

All the events will be held at the Finatec building located within the University of Brasilia.

Finatec - Fundacao de Empreendimentos Cientificos e Tecnologicos
Campus Universitario Darcy Ribeiro
Av. L3 Norte, Ed. Finatec
Asa Norte, Brasilia - DF
CEP 70910-900

*** Organisation ***

TABLEAUX Programme Chairs:
  Renate A. Schmidt          The University of Manchester, UK 
  Claudia Nalon              University of Brasilia, Brazil

FroCoS Conference Chairs
  Clare Dixon                University of Liverpool, UK
  Marcelo Finger             University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

ITP Conference Chairs
  Cesar Munoz                NASA, USA
  Mauricio Ayala-Rincon      University of Brasilia, Brazil

Organising Committee
  Claudia Nalon              University of Brasilia, Brazil
  Daniele Nantes Sobrinho    University of Brasilia, Brazil
  Elaine Pimentel            Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
  Joao Marcos                Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

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