[Om-announce] [simu-conf] UPCOMING DEADLINE - WinterSim 2017

vsim-conf at sce.carleton.ca vsim-conf at sce.carleton.ca
Fri Mar 31 20:46:21 CEST 2017

UPCOMING DEADLINE - Contributed Papers Deadline is April 7, 2017 

Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) 2017 - Call for Papers December 3-6, 2017 Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa
11011 W. Charleston Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89135

>From experimentation to theory; standards and advanced methodologies, modeling and simulation is continually pushing the envelope of the available technologies, as many sectors have growing needs to process, visualize, make readable, understand, and deploy complex models that use immense amounts of data. These players need to transform data into hypothesis building and critical decision-making, and to change their models in response to new hypotheses, usually involving multiple highly specialized experts working together in geographically distant areas.

After 50 years, we are now beyond Modeling and Simulation using Grid and Cloud computing, Web-based and distributed simulation and other recent technologies. We need to deal with computing power and storage in heterogeneous environments, resources virtualization; services consumed on demand (with minimal limitation for resource location), power issues, massive datasets. We face new challenges as we have ubiquitous processors that can process applications on demand.

WSC 2017 focus is on addressing how to achieve the goal of having Simulation Everywhere!

WSC 2017 is sponsored by:  ACM/SIGSIM, IISE (Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers), INFORMS-SIM and SCS (Society for Modeling and Simulation International), with Technical Co-Sponsorship from ASA (American Statistical Association), ASIM (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation), IEEE/SMC (Systems, Man and Cybernetics) and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).

WSC 2017 will be held at the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa in Las Vegas, NV.  The resort hotel provides an idyllic getaway just minutes from the world-renowned Las Vegas Strip and is ideally situated near the entrance to the Red Rock Canyon National Recreation Center.

WSC 2017 features a comprehensive program ranging from introductory tutorials to state-of-the-art research and practice. Planned tracks are:

- Agent-Based Simulation
- Analysis Methodology
- Architecture and Construction
- Aviation Modeling and Analysis
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Environment and Sustainability Applications
- Future of Simulation
- Gaming
- Healthcare Applications
- History of Simulation
- Hybrid Simulation
- Manufacturing Applications
- Logistics, SCM, Transportation
- Military Applications and Homeland Security
- Intelligent, Adaptive and Autonomous Systems (MSIAAS)
- Modeling Methodology
- Project Management
- Simulation Education
- Simulation Optimization
- Social and Behavioral Simulation

- Introductory Tutorials
- Advanced Tutorials

Also, a PhD Colloquium, Poster Session, Vendor and Case Studies tracks provide background on established and new methods, tools and application domains.

WSC 2017 continues to incorporate the MASM (Modeling and Analysis for Semiconductor Manufacturing) Conference, the leading modeling and analysis conference for global semiconductor manufacturing and supply chain operations.


50th Anniversary Keynote - Barry L Nelson Northwestern University

WSC 2067:  What Are The Chances?
At the November 1967 "Conference on the Applications of Simulation Using GPSS" it seems unlikely that anyone was wondering if the conference would still be occupying a big hotel in 2017. Conferences persist for many reasons, but a technical conference like WSC has to remain relevant to users, vendors, researchers and consumers (not just hotels) to survive. If our kind of simulation vanished, then so (eventually) would WSC. What is required for simulation to "remain relevant" for the next 50 years? Without fear of having to answer for my crimes in 2067, I boldly speculate on what SHOULD matter for the next 10-20 years, if not the next 50, with a focus on our strength: dealing with uncertainty.

50th Anniversary Titans

Robert G. Sargent
Professor Emeritus - Syracuse University A Prospective on Fifty-Five Years of the Evolution of Scientific Respect for Simulation

Bernard P. Zeigler
Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Arizona

MASM Keynote
Stephane Dauzere-Peres
Professor, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne Achievements and Lessons Learned from a Long-term Academic-Industrial Collaboration

Military Keynote
Douglas Hodson
Associate Professor, Professor of Computer Engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Military Simulation:  A Ubiquitous Future

50th Anniversary Track Keynote
Brian Hollocks
Professor, Bournemouth University, Faculty of Management.
History of Simulation in the United Kingdom

Further information about submission and the conference: http://www.wintersim.org 
Twitter: @WSConf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wintersimulationconference/ 

[apologies for duplicated messages. Problems/issues: vsim-conf-owner at sce.carleton.ca]

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